[Gdal_Grid] Title = Computes a regular grid (raster) from scattered data read from a vector data source. Abstract = http://www.gdal.org/gdal_grid.html processVersion = 1 storeSupported = true statusSupported = true serviceType = C serviceProvider = gdal_grid_service.zo <MetaData> title = My Demo </MetaData> <DataInputs> [OF] Title = Format of the output data Abstract = Select the output format. minOccurs = 0 maxOccurs = 1 <LiteralData> DataType = string <Default> value = AAIGrid </Default> <Supported> value = AAIGrid </Supported> </LiteralData> [InputDSN] Title = The input data source name Abstract = The input data source name to use as source for convertion. minOccurs = 1 maxOccurs = 1 <LiteralData> DataType = string <Default> uom = feet </Default> <Supported> value = AAIGrid </Supported> </LiteralData> [OutputDSN] Title = The output data source name Abstract = The output data source name to use as source for convertion. minOccurs = 1 maxOccurs = 1 <LiteralData> DataType = string <Default> uom = feet </Default> <Supported> value = AAIGrid </Supported> </LiteralData> </DataInputs> <DataOutputs> [OutputedDataSourceName] Title = The resulting converted file Abstract = The file name resulting of the convertion <LiteralData> DataType = string <Default> uom = feet </Default> <Supported> value = AAIGrid </Supported> </LiteralData> </DataOutputs>