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166 | <div class="section" id="process-profiles-registry"> |
167 | <span id="process-profiles"></span><h1>Process profiles registry<a class="headerlink" href="#process-profiles-registry" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1> |
168 | <p>WPS Services belonging to the same Services provider often share the |
169 | same inputs and outputs. In such a case, every <a class="reference internal" href="zcfg-reference.html#services-zcfg"><span>ZCFG</span></a> file would contain the same metadata information and |
170 | this may be a waste of time to write them all.</p> |
171 | <p><a class="reference internal" href="../kernel/index.html#kernel-index"><span>ZOO-Kernel</span></a> is able to handle metadata inheritance from <a class="reference external" href="http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/changeset/607">rev. 607</a>, and this solves the issue of writing many ZCFG with same input and output. A registry can be loaded (before any other ZCFG files) and contain a set of Process Profiles organized in hierarchic levels according to the following rules:</p> |
172 | <blockquote> |
173 | <div><ul class="simple"> |
174 | <li><em>Concept</em>: The higher level in the hierarchy. <em>Concepts</em> are basic text files containing an abstract description of a WPS Service.</li> |
175 | <li><em>Generic</em>: A <em>Generic</em> profile can make reference to <em>Concepts</em>. It defines inputs and outputs without data format or maximum size limitation.</li> |
176 | <li><em>Implementation</em>: An <em>Implementation</em> profile can inherit from a |
177 | generic profile and make reference to concepts. It contains all |
178 | the metadata information about a particular WPS Service (see |
179 | <a class="reference internal" href="zcfg-reference.html#services-zcfg"><span>ZCFG reference</span></a> for more information).</li> |
180 | </ul> |
181 | </div></blockquote> |
182 | <p>Both <em>Generic</em> and <em>Implementation</em> process profiles are created from <a class="reference internal" href="zcfg-reference.html#services-zcfg"><span>ZCFG</span></a> files and stored in the registry sub-directories |
183 | according to their level (<em>Concept</em>, <em>Generic</em> or <em>Implementation</em>).</p> |
184 | <p>To activate the registry, you have to add a <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">registry</span></code> key to the |
185 | <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">[main]</span></code> section of your <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">main.cfg</span></code> file, and set its value to the |
186 | directory path used to store the profile ZCFG files.</p> |
187 | <div class="section" id="generic-process-profile"> |
188 | <h2>Generic Process Profile<a class="headerlink" href="#generic-process-profile" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2> |
189 | <p>A Generic Process Profile is a ZCFG file located in the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">generic</span></code> |
190 | sub-directory, it defines <a class="reference external" href="zcfg-reference.html#main-metadata-information">main metadata information</a>, inputs and outputs |
191 | name, basic metadata and multiplicity. It can make reference to a |
192 | concept by defining a <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">concept</span></code> key in the <a class="reference external" href="zcfg-reference.html#main-metadata-information">main metadata |
193 | information</a> part.</p> |
194 | <p>You can find below the <cite>GO.zcfg</cite> file, a typical Generic Process |
195 | Profile for Generic Geographic Operation, taking one InputPolygon |
196 | input parameter and returning a result named Result, it make reference |
197 | to the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GOC</span></code> concept:</p> |
198 | <div class="highlight-none"><table class="highlighttable"><tr><td class="linenos"><div class="linenodiv"><pre> 1 |
199 | 2 |
200 | 3 |
201 | 4 |
202 | 5 |
203 | 6 |
204 | 7 |
205 | 8 |
206 | 9 |
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211 | 14 |
212 | 15 |
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214 | 17 |
215 | 18 |
216 | 19</pre></div></td><td class="code"><div class="highlight"><pre>[GO] |
217 | Title = Geographic Operation |
218 | Abstract = Geographic Operation on exactly one input, returning one output |
219 | concept = GOC |
220 | level = generic |
221 | statusSupported = true |
222 | storeSupported = true |
223 | <DataInputs> |
224 | [InputPolygon] |
225 | Title = the geographic data |
226 | Abstract = the geographic data to run geographipc operation |
227 | minOccurs = 1 |
228 | maxOccurs = 1 |
229 | </DataInputs> |
230 | <DataOutputs> |
231 | [Result] |
232 | Title = the resulting data |
233 | Abstract = the resulting data after processing the operation |
234 | </DataOutputs> |
235 | </pre></div> |
236 | </td></tr></table></div> |
237 | <div class="admonition note"> |
238 | <p class="first admonition-title">Note</p> |
239 | <p class="last">if you need to reference more than one concept, you should |
240 | separate their names with a comma (ie. concept = GO,GB),</p> |
241 | </div> |
242 | </div> |
243 | <div class="section" id="process-implementation-profile"> |
244 | <h2>Process Implementation Profile<a class="headerlink" href="#process-implementation-profile" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2> |
245 | <p>A Process Implementation Profile is similar to a <a class="reference external" href="zcfg-reference.html">ZCFG file</a> located in the <cite>implementation</cite> |
246 | sub-directory, it defines (or inherit from its parent) all the |
247 | properties of a <a class="reference external" href="#generic-process-profile">Generic Process Profile</a> |
248 | and specify <a class="reference external" href="zcfg-reference.html#type-of-data-nodes">Data Format</a> |
249 | for both inputs and outputs. It can make reference to a concept by |
250 | defining a <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">concept</span></code> key in the <a class="reference external" href="zcfg-reference.html#main-metadata-information">main metadata information</a> part.</p> |
251 | <p>You can find below the <cite>VectorOperation.zcfg</cite> file, a typical Process |
252 | Implementation Profile for Vector Geographic Operation, it inherit |
253 | from the <a class="reference external" href="#generic-process-profile">GP generic profile</a>:</p> |
254 | <div class="highlight-none"><table class="highlighttable"><tr><td class="linenos"><div class="linenodiv"><pre> 1 |
255 | 2 |
256 | 3 |
257 | 4 |
258 | 5 |
259 | 6 |
260 | 7 |
261 | 8 |
262 | 9 |
263 | 10 |
264 | 11 |
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291 | 38</pre></div></td><td class="code"><div class="highlight"><pre>[VectorOperation] |
292 | Title = Vector Geographic Operation |
293 | Abstract = Apply a Vector Geographic Operation on a features collection and return the resulting features collection |
294 | extend = GO |
295 | level = profile |
296 | <DataInputs> |
297 | [InputPolygon] |
298 | Title = the vector data |
299 | Abstract = the vector data to run geographic operation |
300 | <ComplexData> |
301 | <Default> |
302 | mimeType = text/xml |
303 | encoding = UTF-8 |
304 | schema = http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd |
305 | </Default> |
306 | <Supported> |
307 | mimeType = application/json |
308 | encoding = UTF-8 |
309 | extension = js |
310 | </Supported> |
311 | </DataInputs> |
312 | <DataOutputs> |
313 | [Result] |
314 | Title = the resulting data |
315 | Abstract = the resulting geographic data after processing the operation |
316 | <ComplexData> |
317 | <Default> |
318 | mimeType = text/xml |
319 | encoding = UTF-8 |
320 | schema = http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd |
321 | </Default> |
322 | <Supported> |
323 | mimeType = application/json |
324 | encoding = UTF-8 |
325 | extension = js |
326 | </Supported> |
327 | </ComplexData> |
328 | </DataOutputs> |
329 | </pre></div> |
330 | </td></tr></table></div> |
331 | </div> |
332 | <div class="section" id="zcfg-inheritance"> |
333 | <h2>ZCFG inheritance<a class="headerlink" href="#zcfg-inheritance" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2> |
334 | <p>For the ZCFG files at the service level, you can inherit the metadata |
335 | from a Process Implementation Profile available in the registry. As |
336 | before, you simply need to add a <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">extend</span></code> key refering the ZCFG you |
337 | want to inherit from and a <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">level</span></code> key taking the <cite>ìmplementation`</cite> |
338 | value to your main metadata informations.</p> |
339 | <p>So, for example, the original <a class="reference external" href="http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-project/zoo-services/ogr/base-vect-ops/cgi-env/ConvexHull.zcfg?rev=491">ConvexHull.zcfg</a> |
340 | may be rewritten as:</p> |
341 | <div class="highlight-none"><table class="highlighttable"><tr><td class="linenos"><div class="linenodiv"><pre>1 |
342 | 2 |
343 | 3 |
344 | 4 |
345 | 5 |
346 | 6 |
347 | 7</pre></div></td><td class="code"><div class="highlight"><pre>[ConvexHull] |
348 | Title = Compute convex hull. |
349 | Abstract = Return a feature collection that represents the convex hull of each geometry from the input collection. |
350 | serviceProvider = ogr_service.zo |
351 | serviceType = C |
352 | extend = VectorOperation |
353 | level = implementation |
354 | </pre></div> |
355 | </td></tr></table></div> |
356 | <p>Now, suppose that your service is able to return the result in KML |
357 | format, then you may write the following:</p> |
358 | <div class="highlight-none"><table class="highlighttable"><tr><td class="linenos"><div class="linenodiv"><pre> 1 |
359 | 2 |
360 | 3 |
361 | 4 |
362 | 5 |
363 | 6 |
364 | 7 |
365 | 8 |
366 | 9 |
367 | 10 |
368 | 11 |
369 | 12 |
370 | 13 |
371 | 14</pre></div></td><td class="code"><div class="highlight"><pre>[ConvexHull] |
372 | Title = Compute convex hull. |
373 | Abstract = Return a feature collection that represents the convex hull of each geometry from the input collection. |
374 | serviceProvider = ogr_service.zo |
375 | serviceType = C |
376 | extend = VectorOperation |
377 | level = implementation |
378 | <DataOutputs> |
379 | [Result] |
380 | <Supported> |
381 | mimeType = application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml |
382 | encoding = utf-8 |
383 | </Supported> |
384 | </DataOutputs> |
385 | </pre></div> |
386 | </td></tr></table></div> |
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