1 | <!doctype html> |
2 | #import zoo |
3 | #import html,os |
4 | #set removeCacheFile=False |
5 | #set strUrl=$inputs["tmpl"]["xlink:href"] |
6 | #set currentUrl=$strUrl.replace($openapi["openapi"]["rootUrl"],"") |
7 | #if $currentUrl=="/" |
8 | #set currentKey="root" |
9 | #set $currentUrl="/index" |
10 | #else |
11 | #set currentKey=$currentUrl |
12 | #end if |
13 | #set urlCompnents=$currentUrl.split('/') |
14 | #* |
15 | * Load the JSON content from the API |
16 | *# |
17 | #try |
18 | #import json |
19 | #if "cache_file" in $inputs["tmpl"] |
20 | #set values=json.load(open($inputs["tmpl"]["cache_file"])) |
21 | #else |
22 | #set values=$inputs["tmpl"]["value"] |
23 | #end if |
24 | #except Exception as e |
25 | $e |
26 | #end try |
27 | <html lang="en"> |
28 | <head> |
29 | <!-- Required meta tags --> |
30 | <meta charset="utf-8"> |
31 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> |
32 | |
33 | <!-- Bootstrap CSS --> |
34 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-JcKb8q3iqJ61gNV9KGb8thSsNjpSL0n8PARn9HuZOnIxN0hoP+VmmDGMN5t9UJ0Z" crossorigin="anonymous"> |
35 | |
36 | <!-- Custom styles for this template --> |
37 | <link href="$openapi["openapi"]["rootUrl"]/../static/openapi.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
38 | |
39 | <title>#if "id" in $values#$values["id"]#else##if $currentKey in $openapi and "title" in $openapi[$currentKey]#$openapi[$currentKey]["title"]#else#Landing Page#end if##end if#</title> |
40 | </head> |
41 | <body itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/DataCatalog"> |
42 | <header> |
43 | <!-- Fixed navbar --> |
44 | <nav |
45 | class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark fixed-top bg-dark" |
46 | itemprop="creator" |
47 | itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Organization" > |
48 | <a class="navbar-brand" href="#"> |
49 | <img itemprop="logo" src="http://zoo-project.org/img/zoo-sun-logo.png" width="55" height="30" class="d-inline-block align-top" alt=""> |
50 | <span itemprop="name">$conf["provider"]["providerName"]</span> |
51 | </a> |
52 | <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarCollapse" aria-controls="navbarCollapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation"> |
53 | <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span> |
54 | </button> |
55 | <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarCollapse"> |
56 | <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto" |
57 | itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/BreadcrumbList"> |
58 | <li class="nav-item #if $currentKey=="root"# active#end if#" |
59 | itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope |
60 | itemtype="https://schema.org/ListItem"> |
61 | <a itemprop="item" class="nav-link" |
62 | href="$openapi["openapi"]["rootUrl"]/index.html"> |
63 | <span itemprop="name">Home #if $currentKey=="root"# <span class="sr-only">(current)</span>#end if#</span> |
64 | <meta itemprop="position" content="1" /> |
65 | </a> |
66 | </li> |
67 | #if $currentKey!="root" |
68 | #for i in range(1,len($urlCompnents)) |
69 | <li |
70 | itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope |
71 | itemtype="https://schema.org/ListItem" |
72 | class="nav-item #if $i+1==len($urlCompnents)#active#end if#"> |
73 | #set prefix="" |
74 | #for j in range(1,$i) |
75 | #set $prefix+="/"+$urlCompnents[$j] |
76 | #end for |
77 | <a itemprop="item" class="nav-link" href="$openapi["openapi"]["rootUrl"]$(prefix)/$(urlCompnents[$i]).html"> |
78 | <span itemprop="name"> |
79 | #if $i==2 |
80 | $(urlCompnents[$i]) |
81 | #else |
82 | $(urlCompnents[$i].title()) |
83 | #end if |
84 | #if $i+1==len($urlCompnents) |
85 | <span class="sr-only">(current)</span> |
86 | #end if |
87 | <meta itemprop="position" content="$(i+1)" /> |
88 | </span> |
89 | </a> |
90 | </li> |
91 | #end for |
92 | #end if |
93 | </ul> |
94 | </div> |
95 | </nav> |
96 | </header> |
97 | <script> |
98 | var System={}; |
99 | </script> |
100 | |
101 | #def printRel($o,$v) |
102 | #if $v in $o |
103 | $o[$v] |
104 | #else |
105 | View default (no title found for $v). |
106 | #end if |
107 | #end def |
108 | #* |
109 | |
110 | *# |
111 | #def printControl(obj) |
112 | #if "type" not in $obj |
113 | #set oType="format" |
114 | #else |
115 | #set oType=$obj["type"] |
116 | #end if |
117 | <div class="input-group"> |
118 | <div class="input-group-prepend"> |
119 | <div class="input-group-text">$obj["title"]</div> |
120 | </div> |
121 | #if "ph" in $obj |
122 | <input type="text" |
123 | #if "value" in $obj#value="$obj["value"]""#end if# |
124 | #if "id" in $obj#data-id="$obj["id"]"#end if# |
125 | class="form-control" data-name="$obj["title"]" name="$(oType)_$obj["name"]" placeholder="$obj["ph"]" #if "required" in $obj#required#end if#/> |
126 | #else |
127 | <select name="$(oType)_$obj["name"]" class="form-control" #if "required" in $obj#required#end if#> |
128 | #for i in range(len($obj["options"])) |
129 | <option>$obj["options"][$i]</option> |
130 | #end for |
131 | </select> |
132 | #end if |
133 | #if "required" in $obj |
134 | <div class="invalid-feedback"> |
135 | Please set a value for $obj["id"]. |
136 | </div> |
137 | #end if |
138 | </div> |
139 | #end def |
140 | #def printCard(obj) |
141 | <div class="card" #if "attrs" in $obj#$obj["attrs"]#end if#> |
142 | <div class="card-header" id="heading$(obj["id"])"> |
143 | <h4 class="mb-0"> |
144 | <button class="btn btn-link btn-block text-left" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse$(obj["id"])" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse$(obj["id"])"> |
145 | $obj["title"] |
146 | </button> |
147 | </h4> |
148 | </div> |
149 | <div id="collapse$(obj["id"])" class="collapse #if "class" in $obj#$obj["class"]#end if#" aria-labelledby="heading$(obj["id"])"> |
150 | <div class="card-body"> |
151 | $obj["content"] |
152 | </div> |
153 | </div> |
154 | </div> |
155 | #end def |
156 | #def printInputContent($obj) |
157 | #set cName=$obj["id"].replace(".","_") |
158 | #if "formats" in $obj["input"] |
159 | #set cFormats=[] |
160 | #for j in range(len($obj["input"]["formats"])) |
161 | #set $cFormats+=[$obj["input"]["formats"][$j]["mimeType"]] |
162 | #end for |
163 | $printControl({"title": "format","type": "input_format","name": $cName,"options":$cFormats}) |
164 | #set largs={"id": $obj["id"],"title": "href","type": "input_value","name": $cName,"ph":"URL"} |
165 | #if $obj["minOccurs"]>0 |
166 | #set $largs["required"]=True |
167 | #end if |
168 | $printControl($largs) |
169 | #else |
170 | #if "literalDataDomains" in $obj["input"] |
171 | #set cDataDomain=$obj["input"]["literalDataDomains"][0] |
172 | #set largs={"id": $obj["id"],"title": $cDataDomain["dataType"]["name"],"type": "input_value", "name": $cName,} |
173 | #if $obj["minOccurs"]>0 |
174 | #set $largs["required"]=True |
175 | #end if |
176 | #if "anyValue" in $cDataDomain["valueDefinition"] |
177 | #set $largs["ph"]="Value" |
178 | $printControl($largs) |
179 | #else |
180 | #if "allowedValues" in $cDataDomain["valueDefinition"] |
181 | #set $largs["options"]=$cDataDomain["valueDefinition"]["allowedValues"] |
182 | $printControl($largs) |
183 | #else |
184 | ELSE |
185 | $obj |
186 | #end if |
187 | #end if |
188 | #if "defaultValue" in $cDataDomain |
189 | <script> |
190 | System["function_$cName"]=function(){ |
191 | try{ |
192 | jQuery("input[name='input_value_$cName'],select[name='input_value_$cName]']").val($cDataDomain["defaultValue"]); |
193 | }catch(e){ |
194 | jQuery("input[name='input_value_$cName'],select[name='input_value_$cName']").val("$cDataDomain["defaultValue"]"); |
195 | } |
196 | } |
197 | </script> |
198 | #end if |
199 | #else |
200 | $obj |
201 | ELSE |
202 | #end if |
203 | #end if |
204 | #if $obj["maxOccurs"]>1 |
205 | <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="Basic example"> |
206 | <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" onclick="addElementToList(\$(this));">Add</button> |
207 | <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" onclick="delElementToList(\$(this));">Delete</button> |
208 | </div> |
209 | #end if |
210 | #end def |
211 | #def printProvider(conf) |
212 | #set provider=$conf["provider"] |
213 | <b itemprop="name">$provider["providerName"]</b> |
214 | <p><a itemprop="url" href="$provider["providerSite"]">$provider["providerSite"]</a></p> |
215 | #end def |
216 | #def printContact(conf) |
217 | #set provider=$conf["provider"] |
218 | #set alt=$openapi["provider_alt"] |
219 | #set elements=list($alt.keys()) |
220 | <b>Address</b> |
221 | #for i in ["addressDeliveryPoint","addressCity","addressAdministrativeArea","addressPostalCode","addressCountry","addressElectronicMailAddress","phoneVoice","phoneFacsimile"] |
222 | #if i!="addressElectronicMailAddress" and $provider[$i]!="False" |
223 | <p itemprop="$(alt[$i.lower()])"> |
224 | #if i=="phoneVoice" |
225 | Phone |
226 | <svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bi bi-telephone" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
227 | <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3.654 1.328a.678.678 0 0 0-1.015-.063L1.605 2.3c-.483.484-.661 1.169-.45 1.77a17.568 17.568 0 0 0 4.168 6.608 17.569 17.569 0 0 0 6.608 4.168c.601.211 1.286.033 1.77-.45l1.034-1.034a.678.678 0 0 0-.063-1.015l-2.307-1.794a.678.678 0 0 0-.58-.122l-2.19.547a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-1.657-.459L5.482 8.062a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-.46-1.657l.548-2.19a.678.678 0 0 0-.122-.58L3.654 1.328zM1.884.511a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 2.612.163L6.29 2.98c.329.423.445.974.315 1.494l-.547 2.19a.678.678 0 0 0 .178.643l2.457 2.457a.678.678 0 0 0 .644.178l2.189-.547a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 1.494.315l2.306 1.794c.829.645.905 1.87.163 2.611l-1.034 1.034c-.74.74-1.846 1.065-2.877.702a18.634 18.634 0 0 1-7.01-4.42 18.634 18.634 0 0 1-4.42-7.009c-.362-1.03-.037-2.137.703-2.877L1.885.511z"/> |
228 | </svg> |
229 | #end if |
230 | $provider[$i] |
231 | </p> |
232 | #else |
233 | #if i=="addressElectronicMailAddress" |
234 | <b>Email</b> |
235 | <p itemprop="$(alt[$i.lower()])"> |
236 | $provider[$i] |
237 | </p> |
238 | #end if |
239 | #end if |
240 | #end for |
241 | #end def |
242 | #def printIndentification(conf) |
243 | #set provider=$conf["provider"] |
244 | $printCard({"id": "provider","title": "Provider","content": $printProvider($conf),"class": "show"}) |
245 | $printCard({"id": "contact","title": "Contact","content": $printContact($conf),"class": "show","attrs":'itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/PostalAddress"'}) |
246 | #end def |
247 | |
248 | #if $currentKey=="root" |
249 | <div class="container-fluid"> |
250 | <div class="row"> |
251 | <div class="col-sm-8"> |
252 | #end if |
253 | <!-- $currentUrl --> |
254 | <!-- Begin page content --> |
255 | <main #if $currentKey!="root"#class="container-fluid"#end if#> |
256 | <h1 itemprop="name">#if "id" in $values#$values["id"]: #end if##if "title" in $values#$html.escape($values["title"])#else##if len($urlCompnents)==2#$currentUrl[1:].title()#else#$currentUrl[1:]#end if##end if#</h1> |
257 | #if "description" in $values#<p itemprop="description">$html.escape($values["description"])</p>#end if# |
258 | #if $currentKey=="root" |
259 | <div class="keywords"> |
260 | #for i in $conf["identification"]["keywords"].split(',') |
261 | <button type="button" |
262 | class="btn btn-outline-info">$i</button> |
263 | #end for |
264 | </div> |
265 | License: |
266 | <a itemprop="license" href="$openapi["openapi"]["license_url"]">$openapi["openapi"]["license_name"]</a> |
267 | #end if |
268 | #if "inputs" in $values |
269 | #set $cid="JOBSOCKET-"+$conf["lenv"]["usid"] |
270 | <form class="needs-validation" data-id="$cid" novalidate> |
271 | <h3>Inputs</h3> |
272 | <div class="accordion" id="accordionInputExample"> |
273 | #for i in range(len(values["inputs"])) |
274 | #set cInput=$values["inputs"][$i] |
275 | #set cName=$cInput["id"].replace(".","_") |
276 | $printCard({"id": $cName, "title": $cInput["id"],"content":'<p>'+$cInput["description"]+'</p>'+$printInputContent($cInput)}) |
277 | #end for |
278 | </div> |
279 | |
280 | <h3>Outputs</h3> |
281 | <div class="accordion" id="accordionOutputExample"> |
282 | #for i in range(len(values["outputs"])) |
283 | #set cOutput=$values["outputs"][$i] |
284 | #set cName=$cOutput["id"].replace(".","_") |
285 | #set cFormats=[] |
286 | #if "formats" in $cOutput["output"] |
287 | #for j in range(len($cOutput["output"]["formats"])) |
288 | #set cFormats+=[$cOutput["output"]["formats"][$j]["mimeType"]] |
289 | #end for |
290 | #end if |
291 | #set cTransmissions=[] |
292 | #for j in range(len($values["outputTransmission"])) |
293 | #set cTransmissions+=[$values["outputTransmission"][$j]] |
294 | #end for |
295 | #set cContent="<p>"+$cOutput["description"]+"</p>" |
296 | #if len(cFormats)>0 |
297 | #set $cContent+=$printControl({"id": $cOutput["id"], "title": "format","type": "format","name": $cName,"options":$cFormats}) |
298 | #end if |
299 | #if len(cTransmissions)>0 |
300 | #set $cContent+=$printControl({"id": $cOutput["id"], "title": "transmission","type": "transmission","name": $cName,"options":$cTransmissions}) |
301 | #end if |
302 | $printCard({"id": $cName+"_"+str($i),"title": $cOutput["id"],"content": $cContent}) |
303 | #end for |
304 | </div> |
305 | |
306 | <h3>Execution options</h3> |
307 | <div class="accordion" id="accordionExampleExecutionMode"> |
308 | #set cContent="" |
309 | #set cUrl=$openapi["openapi"]["publisherurl"]+cid+"&type=" |
310 | #for a in ["successUri","inProgressUri","failedUri"] |
311 | #set $cContent+=$printControl({"title": $a,"type": "main_value","name": $a,"ph":"URL","value":$cUrl+$a.replace("Uri","")}) |
312 | #end for |
313 | $printCard({"id":"ModeOne","title":"Subscribers","content": $cContent}) |
314 | $printCard({"id":"ModeTwo","title":"Response","content": $printControl({"title":"format","type": "main_value","name": "format","options":["document","raw"]})}) |
315 | $printCard({"id":"ModeThree","title":"Mode","content": $printControl({"title":"mode","type": "main_value","name": "mode","options":["async","sync"]})}) |
316 | </div> |
317 | <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" >Submit</button> |
318 | </form> |
319 | <div class="modal" tabindex="-1" id="exampleModal"> |
320 | <div class="modal-dialog modal-xl"> |
321 | <div class="modal-content"> |
322 | <div class="modal-header"> |
323 | <h5 class="modal-title">Your request</h5> |
324 | <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> |
325 | <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> |
326 | </button> |
327 | </div> |
328 | <div class="modal-body"> |
329 | <textarea name="modalText" class="form-control" style="min-height:300px"></textarea> |
330 | <pre id="result"></pre> |
331 | <div id="progress_details" style="display:none"> |
332 | <p id="prgress_description"></p> |
333 | <div class="progress"> |
334 | <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 0%"></div> |
335 | </div> |
336 | </div> |
337 | </div> |
338 | <div class="modal-footer"> |
339 | <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> |
340 | <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Job</button> |
341 | </div> |
342 | </div> |
343 | </div> |
344 | </div> |
345 | <script> |
346 | var socket; |
347 | function addElementToList(){ |
348 | var lClosure=arguments[0]; |
349 | var isOver=false; |
350 | var cnt=0; |
351 | lClosure.parent().parent().find("div").each(function(){ |
352 | if(isOver) return; |
353 | if(\$(this).hasClass("btn-group")) isOver=true; |
354 | if(\$(this).hasClass("input-group")){ |
355 | lClosure.parent().parent().append(\$(this)[0].outerHTML); |
356 | cnt++; |
357 | } |
358 | }); |
359 | if(lClosure.parent().parent().find(".input-group").length>cnt) |
360 | lClosure.next().attr("disabled",false); |
361 | else |
362 | lClosure.next().attr("disabled",true); |
363 | } |
364 | function delElementToList(){ |
365 | var lClosure=arguments[0]; |
366 | var isOver=false; |
367 | var cnt=0; |
368 | lClosure.parent().parent().find("div").each(function(){ |
369 | if(isOver) return; |
370 | if(\$(this).hasClass("btn-group")) isOver=true; |
371 | if(\$(this).hasClass("input-group")) cnt++; |
372 | }); |
373 | if(lClosure.parent().parent().find(".input-group").length>cnt) |
374 | for(var i=0;i<cnt;i++) |
375 | lClosure.parent().parent().find(".input-group").last().remove(); |
376 | if(lClosure.parent().parent().find(".input-group").length==cnt) |
377 | lClosure.attr("disabled",true); |
378 | else |
379 | lClosure.attr("disabled",false); |
380 | } |
381 | |
382 | function loadRequest(){ |
383 | var requestObject={ |
384 | "inputs":[], |
385 | "outputs":[], |
386 | "subscriber":{}, |
387 | "mode": \$("select[name='main_value_mode']").val(), |
388 | "response": \$("select[name='main_value_format']").val() |
389 | } |
390 | for(var i=0;i < System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"].length;i++){ |
391 | var cName=System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"][i]["id"].replace(".","_"); |
392 | var selector="input[name='input_value_"+cName+"'],"+ |
393 | "select[name='input_value_"+cName+"']"; |
394 | if(\$(selector).val()!=""){ |
395 | \$(selector).each(function(){ |
396 | var cInput={"id": System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"][i]["id"], "input": {}}; |
397 | if(System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"][i]["input"]["formats"]){ |
398 | var selector1="input[name='input_format_"+cName+"'],"+ |
399 | "select[name='input_format_"+cName+"']"; |
400 | console.log(\$(this).parent().prev().find("select").val()); |
401 | cInput["input"]["format"]={ |
402 | "mimeType": \$(this).parent().prev().find("select").val() |
403 | }; |
404 | cInput["input"]["value"]={ |
405 | "href": \$(this).val() |
406 | }; |
407 | } |
408 | else{ |
409 | if(System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"][i]["input"]["literalDataDomains"]){ |
410 | console.log(System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"][i]["input"]["literalDataDomains"]); |
411 | cInput["input"]["dataType"]={ |
412 | "name": System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"][i]["input"]["literalDataDomains"][0]["dataType"]["name"] |
413 | }; |
414 | cInput["input"]["value"]=\$(this).val(); |
415 | } |
416 | }console.log(cInput); |
417 | requestObject["inputs"].push(cInput); |
418 | }); |
419 | } |
420 | } |
421 | console.log(System["JSON_STR"]["outputs"]); |
422 | for(var i=0;i < System["JSON_STR"]["outputs"].length;i++){ |
423 | var cOutput={"id": System["JSON_STR"]["outputs"][i]["id"]}; |
424 | var cName=System["JSON_STR"]["outputs"][i]["id"].replace(/\./g,"_"); |
425 | if(System["JSON_STR"]["outputs"][i]["output"]["formats"]){ |
426 | var selector="select[name='format_"+cName+"']"; |
427 | cOutput["format"]={ |
428 | "mimeType": \$(selector).val() |
429 | }; |
430 | } |
431 | else{ |
432 | if(System["JSON_STR"]["outputs"][i]["output"]["literalDataDomains"]){ |
433 | cOutput["dataType"]={ |
434 | "name": System["JSON_STR"]["outputs"][i]["output"]["literalDataDomains"][0]["dataType"]["name"] |
435 | }; |
436 | } |
437 | } |
438 | var selector1="select[name='transmission_"+cName+"']"; |
439 | cOutput["transmissionMode"]=\$(selector1).val(); |
440 | requestObject["outputs"].push(cOutput); |
441 | } |
442 | if(\$("input[name='main_value_successUri']").val()!="") |
443 | requestObject["subscriber"]["successUri"]=\$("input[name='main_value_successUri']").val(); |
444 | if(\$("input[name='main_value_inProgressUri']").val()!="") |
445 | requestObject["subscriber"]["inProgressUri"]=\$("input[name='main_value_inProgressUri']").val(); |
446 | if(\$("input[name='main_value_failedUri']").val()!="") |
447 | requestObject["subscriber"]["failedUri"]=\$("input[name='main_value_failedUri']").val(); |
448 | \$(".modal").find("textarea").first().val(js_beautify(JSON.stringify(requestObject))); |
449 | \$("#exampleModal").modal('toggle'); |
450 | \$('#result').html(""); |
451 | \$("#exampleModal").find(".btn-primary").off('click'); |
452 | \$("#exampleModal").find(".btn-primary").click(function(){ |
453 | \$('#result').html(""); |
454 | if(!socket && requestObject["mode"]!="sync") |
455 | socket = new WebSocket("$openapi["openapi"]["wsurl"]"); |
456 | else |
457 | \$.ajax({ |
458 | contentType: "application/json", |
459 | data: \$("textarea").val(), |
460 | type: "POST", |
461 | url: "$openapi["openapi"]["rootUrl"]$(currentUrl)/jobs", |
462 | success: function (msg) { |
463 | console.log(msg); |
464 | var cObj=msg; |
465 | \$('#result').html(js_beautify(JSON.stringify(msg["outputs"]))); |
466 | }, |
467 | error: function(){ |
468 | console.log(arguments); |
469 | }, |
470 | }); |
471 | if(requestObject["mode"]=="sync"){ |
472 | return; |
473 | } |
474 | socket.onopen = function () { |
475 | console.log('Connected!'); |
476 | socket.send("SUB $cid"); |
477 | }; |
478 | socket.onmessage = function(event) { |
479 | console.log('MESSAGE: ' + event.data); |
480 | if(event.data=="1") |
481 | \$.ajax({ |
482 | contentType: "application/json", |
483 | data: \$("textarea").val(), |
484 | type: "POST", |
485 | url: "$openapi["openapi"]["rootUrl"]$(currentUrl)/jobs", |
486 | success: function (msg) { |
487 | console.log(msg); |
488 | }, |
489 | error: function(){ |
490 | console.log(arguments); |
491 | }, |
492 | }); |
493 | else{ |
494 | //progressBar |
495 | \$("#progress_details").show(); |
496 | var cObj=JSON.parse(event.data); |
497 | if(cObj["jobID"]){ |
498 | \$("#prgress_description").html(cObj["jobID"]+": "+cObj["message"]); |
499 | \$(".progress-bar").attr("aria-valuenow",cObj["progress"]); |
500 | \$(".progress-bar").css("width",cObj["progress"]+"%"); |
501 | }else{ |
502 | \$("#progress_details").hide(); |
503 | if(cObj["outputs"]) |
504 | \$('#result').html(js_beautify(JSON.stringify(cObj["outputs"]))); |
505 | else |
506 | \$('#result').html(cObj["message"]); |
507 | } |
508 | } |
509 | }; |
510 | }); |
511 | } |
512 | </script> |
513 | #end if |
514 | |
515 | #try |
516 | #if "links" in $values |
517 | #for i in range(len($values["links"])) |
518 | #if $i%2==0 |
519 | <h2>$values["links"][$i]["title"]</h2> |
520 | <p> |
521 | <a href="$values["links"][$i]["href"]">$printRel($openapi["links_title"],$values["links"][$i]["rel"])</a> |
522 | </p> |
523 | #if $i+1<=len($values["links"]) and len($values["links"])>1 and not($values["links"][$i+1]["rel"]=="alternate" and $openapi["openapi"]["full_html_support"]=="true") |
524 | <p><a href="$values["links"][$i+1]["href"]">$printRel($openapi["links_title"],$values["links"][$i+1]["rel"])</a></p> |
525 | #end if |
526 | #end if |
527 | #end for |
528 | #end if |
529 | #except Exception as e |
530 | $e |
531 | #end try |
532 | #if "conformsTo" in $values |
533 | <ul> |
534 | #for i in range(len($values["conformsTo"])) |
535 | <li> |
536 | <a href="$values["conformsTo"][$i]">$values["conformsTo"][$i]</a> |
537 | </li> |
538 | #end for |
539 | </ul> |
540 | #end if |
541 | #if "jobs" in $urlCompnents |
542 | #set $removeCacheFile=True |
543 | #end if |
544 | #if hasattr($values, "__len__") and isinstance($values,list) and len($values)>0 |
545 | <table class="table table-striped"> |
546 | <thead> |
547 | <tr> |
548 | #if "jobs" not in $urlCompnents |
549 | #* |
550 | * Processes list |
551 | *# |
552 | <th scope="col">#</th> |
553 | <th scope="col">Title</th> |
554 | <th scope="col">Version</th> |
555 | #else |
556 | #* |
557 | * Jobs list |
558 | *# |
559 | <th scope="col">#</th> |
560 | <th scope="col">Message</th> |
561 | <th scope="col">Links</th> |
562 | #end if |
563 | </tr> |
564 | </thead> |
565 | <tbody> |
566 | #for i in range(len($values)) |
567 | <tr> |
568 | #if "jobs" not in $urlCompnents |
569 | #* |
570 | * Processes list |
571 | *# |
572 | <th scope="row"> |
573 | <a href="$(values[$i]["links"][0]["href"][:-1]).html"> |
574 | <svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bi bi-link-45deg" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
575 | <path d="M4.715 6.542L3.343 7.914a3 3 0 1 0 4.243 4.243l1.828-1.829A3 3 0 0 0 8.586 5.5L8 6.086a1.001 1.001 0 0 0-.154.199 2 2 0 0 1 .861 3.337L6.88 11.45a2 2 0 1 1-2.83-2.83l.793-.792a4.018 4.018 0 0 1-.128-1.287z"/> |
576 | <path d="M6.586 4.672A3 3 0 0 0 7.414 9.5l.775-.776a2 2 0 0 1-.896-3.346L9.12 3.55a2 2 0 0 1 2.83 2.83l-.793.792c. 1.287l1.372-1.372a3 3 0 0 0-4.243-4.243L6.586 4.672z"/> |
577 | </svg> |
578 | $values[$i]["id"] |
579 | </a> |
580 | </th> |
581 | <td>$values[$i]["title"]</td> |
582 | <td>#if "version" in $values[$i]#$values[$i]["version"]#else#1.0.0#end if#</td> |
583 | #else |
584 | #* |
585 | * Jobs list |
586 | *# |
587 | #set cValue=$values[$i]["infos"] |
588 | <th scope="row"> |
589 | #if "status" in $cValue and $cValue["status"]=="successful" |
590 | <svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bi bi-check-circle-fill text-success" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
591 | <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zm-3.97-3.03a.75.75 0 0 0-1.08.022L7.477 9.417 5.384 7.323a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 1.06L6.97 11.03a.75.75 0 0 0 1.079-.02l3.992-4.99a.75.75 0 0 0-.01-1.05z"/> |
592 | </svg> |
593 | #else |
594 | #if "status" in $cValue and $cValue["status"]=="failed" |
595 | <svg width="1.0625em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 17 16" class="bi bi-exclamation-triangle-fill text-error" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
596 | <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.982 1.566a1.13 1.13 0 0 0-1.96 0L.165 13.233c-.457.778.091 1.767.98 1.767h13.713c.889 0 1.438-.99.98-1.767L8.982 1.566zM8 5a.905.905 0 0 0-.9.995l.35 3.507a.552.552 0 0 0 1.1 0l.35-3.507A.905.905 0 0 0 8 5zm.002 6a1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-2z"/> |
597 | </svg> |
598 | #end if |
599 | #end if |
600 | $cValue["jobID"] |
601 | </th> |
602 | <td>$cValue["message"]</td> |
603 | <td> |
604 | <div class="dropdown"> |
605 | <button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenuButton" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> |
606 | Action |
607 | </button> |
608 | <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton"> |
609 | #for j in range(len($cValue["links"])) |
610 | #set $cValueLink=$cValue["links"][$j] |
611 | #if $cValueLink["href"].count("result")==0 |
612 | <a class="dropdown-item delete" |
613 | href="#" |
614 | data-value="$(cValueLink["href"])">Delete</a> |
615 | #end if |
616 | <a class="dropdown-item" href="$(cValueLink["href"]).html">$cValueLink["title"]</a> |
617 | #end for |
618 | </div> |
619 | </div> |
620 | </td> |
621 | #end if |
622 | </tr> |
623 | #end for |
624 | </tbody> |
625 | </table> |
626 | <script> |
627 | System["jobListDelete"]=function(){ |
628 | \$(".delete").each(function(){ |
629 | \$(this).off("click"); |
630 | \$(this).click(function(){ |
631 | console.log("OK"); |
632 | \$.ajax({ |
633 | url: \$(this).data("value"), |
634 | type: "DELETE", |
635 | success: function(){ |
636 | console.log(arguments); |
637 | } |
638 | }); |
639 | }); |
640 | }); |
641 | } |
642 | </script> |
643 | #end if |
644 | |
645 | <div class="microlight">$json.dumps(values)</div> |
646 | <textarea class="form-control" style="height: 300px;"></textarea> |
647 | <script> |
648 | window.onload = function(){ |
649 | var jsContent=\$(".microlight").html(); |
650 | var tmpStr=js_beautify(jsContent); |
651 | \$("textarea").last().val(tmpStr); |
652 | \$(".microlight").remove(); |
653 | for(var i in System){ |
654 | System[i](); |
655 | } |
656 | System["JSON_STR"]=JSON.parse(tmpStr); |
657 | var forms = document.getElementsByClassName('needs-validation'); |
658 | // Loop over them and prevent submission |
659 | var validation = Array.prototype.filter.call(forms, function(form) { |
660 | form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) { |
661 | event.preventDefault(); |
662 | event.stopPropagation(); |
663 | if (form.checkValidity() === false) { |
664 | event.preventDefault(); |
665 | event.stopPropagation(); |
666 | for(var i=0;i<System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"].length;i++){ |
667 | var cName=System["JSON_STR"]["inputs"][i]["id"].replace(/\./g,"_"); |
668 | var selector= |
669 | 'input[name="input_value_'+cName+'"]:invalid,'+ |
670 | 'select[name="input_value_'+cName+'"]:invalid'; |
671 | if(\$(selector).length>0){ |
672 | \$(selector).each(function(){ |
673 | if(!\$(this).parent().parent().parent().hasClass("show")) |
674 | \$(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find(".btn").first().click(); |
675 | }); |
676 | } |
677 | } |
678 | }else{ |
679 | loadRequest(); |
680 | } |
681 | form.classList.add('was-validated'); |
682 | }, false); |
683 | }); |
684 | |
685 | } |
686 | </script> |
687 | <hr> |
688 | <address>$openapi["openapi"]["rootUrl"]$(currentUrl).html</address> |
689 | <!-- hhmts start -->Last modified: Fri Oct 23 18:25:03 CEST 2020 <!-- hhmts end --> |
690 | </main> |
691 | #if $currentKey=="root" |
692 | </div> |
693 | <div class="col-sm-4" |
694 | itemprop="provider" |
695 | itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Organization"> |
696 | $printIndentification($conf) |
697 | </div> |
698 | </div> |
699 | </div> |
700 | #end if |
701 | |
702 | |
703 | <footer class="footer" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/SoftwareApplication"> |
704 | <div class="container-fluid"> |
705 | <span class="text-muted"> |
706 | Powered by |
707 | <a target="_blank" itemprop="url" |
708 | href="http://www.zoo-project.org/"><span itemprop="name">ZOO-Project</span></a> |
709 | <span itemprop="version">$zoo.VERSION</span>. |
710 | <meta itemprop="applicationCategory" content="WebService" /> |
711 | #try |
712 | #set sysname=$os.uname() |
713 | #except Exception as e |
714 | #set sysname=["Unknown"] |
715 | #end try |
716 | <meta itemprop="operatingSystem" content="$sysname[0]" /> |
717 | </span> |
718 | </div> |
719 | </footer> |
720 | |
721 | <!-- JS, Popper.js, and jQuery --> |
722 | <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
723 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/popper.js@1.16.1/dist/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384-9/reFTGAW83EW2RDu2S0VKaIzap3H66lZH81PoYlFhbGU+6BZp6G7niu735Sk7lN" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
724 | <script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-B4gt1jrGC7Jh4AgTPSdUtOBvfO8shuf57BaghqFfPlYxofvL8/KUEfYiJOMMV+rV" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
725 | <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/js-beautify/1.13.0/beautify.min.js" integrity="sha512-84xqGKD+OW9ElGeIq5RkXhsKveQx+kAjahn9r7f/Vm9J0bDrwEabW3MQNgYdTzLBnwfrTGs0nuPx3pZxh6itNg==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
726 | </body> |
727 | </html> |
728 | #if "cache_file" in $inputs["tmpl"] and $removeCacheFile |
729 | <!-- REMOVED ! --> |
730 | #import os |
731 | $(os.remove($inputs["tmpl"]["cache_file"])) |
732 | #end if |