Jun 30, 2015, 10:35:39 AM (10 years ago)

Small fixes in the main documentation.

3 added
1 deleted
38 edited
5 moved


  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/breadcrumbs.html

    r689 r696  
    88    <li>{{ title }}</li>
    99      <li class="wy-breadcrumbs-aside">
    10        $date$
     10       $Date$
    1111      </li>
    1212  </ul>
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout.html

    r659 r696  
    107107      <div class="wy-menu wy-menu-vertical" data-spy="affix" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation">
    108108        {% block menu %}
    109           {% set toctree = toctree(maxdepth=2, collapse=False, includehidden=True) %}
     109          {% set toctree = toctree(maxdepth=2, collapse=False, includehidden=False) %}
    110110          {% if toctree %}
    111111              {{ toctree }}
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/classes.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/description.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/examples.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/howto.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/index.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/what.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/zoo-format-wps.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/zoo-process.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/zoo-request.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/api/zoo.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/client/example.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/client/howto.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r659 r696  
    4040Compiling ZOO-Client templates
    41 ---------------------------
    43 In order to work with ZOO-Client, you will first need to compile the provided `Mustache <http://mustache.github.io/>`_
    44 templates using `Node.js <http://nodejs.org/>`__. The ZOO-Client templates are located in the ``/zoo-project/zoo-client/lib/tpl`` directory downloaded from svn.
     43In order to work with ZOO-Client, you will first need to compile the
     44provided `Mustache <http://mustache.github.io/>`_ templates using
     45`Node.js <http://nodejs.org/>`__. The ZOO-Client templates are located
     46in the ``/zoo-project/zoo-client/lib/tpl`` directory downloaded from
    4649* Install Node.js (see related `documentation <https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager>`__.)
    6568Building ZOO-Client documentation
    66 --------------------------
    6871You may also build the ZOO-Client API documentation using `jsDoc
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/client/index.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/client/what.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/code.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r679 r696  
    1414Submit new code
    15 --------------------------
    1717For new comers
    18 *************************
    2020New source code or existing source code corrections (patches) should
    21 be submitted using the ZOO-Project bug tracking system (`ZOO-Trac <http://zoo-project.org/trac>`__ ).
     21be submitted using the ZOO-Project bug tracking system (`ZOO-Trac
     22<http://zoo-project.org/trac>`__ ).
    23 Create a new ticket in order to describe your code or patch and attach
    24 it to the ticket (attach all the needed files needed to use your code
    25 or patch). It will then be checked and discussed with the developers,
    26 and can potentially be integrated and merged with the trunk.
     24Create a `new ticket <http://zoo-project.org/trac/newticket>`__ in
     25order to describe your code or patch and attach it to the ticket
     26(attach all the files required to use your code or patch). It will
     27then be checked and discussed with the developers, and can potentially
     28be integrated and merged with the trunk.
    2830For registered developers
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/contributors.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/dev.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r665 r696  
    11 Permission for SVN commit access shall be provided to new developers only if accepted by the ZOO-Project Project Steering Committee. A proposal should be written to the PSC for new committers and voted. 
     11Permission for SVN commit access shall be provided to new developers only if accepted by the ZOO-Project Project Steering Committee. A proposal should be written to the PSC for new committers and voted.
    1313Removal of SVN commit access should be handled by the same process.
    26 A list of all project committers will be kept in the main zoo-project directory (called COMMITTERS) listing for each SVN committer:
     26A list of all project committers will be kept in the main zoo-project directory (called `COMMITTERS <http://zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-project/COMMITTERS>`__) listing for each SVN committer:
    2828    * Userid: the id that will appear in the SVN logs for this person.
    2929    * Full name: the users actual name.
    3030    * Email address: A current email address at which the committer can be reached. It may be altered in normal ways to make it harder to auto-harvest.
    3233SVN Administrator
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/doc.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r665 r696  
    30 The current structure of the ZOO Project documentation process is for developers with :ref:`SVN <svn>` commit access to maintain their documents in reStructuredText format, and therefore all documents live in the /docs directory in SVN.  The `Sphinx <http://sphinx.pocoo.org/>`__ documentation generator is used to convert the reStructuredText files to html, and the live
    31 website is then updated on an hourly basis.
     30The current structure of the ZOO Project documentation process is for
     31developers with :ref:`SVN <svn>` commit access to maintain their
     32documents in reStructuredText format, and therefore all documents live
     33in the /docs directory in SVN.  The `Sphinx
     34<http://sphinx.pocoo.org/>`__ documentation generator is used to
     35convert the reStructuredText files to html, and the live website is
     36then updated on an hourly basis.
    4954   ::
    51        sudo easy_install Sphinx
     56       sudo easy_install Sphinx==1.3.1
    5358   .. note::
    55       Make sure you install Sphinx 1.0 or more recent.  See note above.
     60      Make sure you install Sphinx 1.3.1 or more recent.
    5762* Checkout the /docs directory from SVN, such as:
    8893   ::
    90        sudo easy_install Sphinx
     95       sudo easy_install-2.7 Sphinx==1.3.1
    9297   .. note::
    94       Make sure you install Sphinx 1.0 or more recent.  See note above.       
     99      Make sure you install Sphinx 1.3.1 or more recent.
    96101* Install `MacTex <http://www.tug.org/mactex/2009/>`__ if you want to build pdfs
    127132   ::
    129        easy_install Sphinx
     134       easy_install Sphinx==1.3.1
    131136   ...you should see message: "Finished processing dependencies for Sphinx"
    133138   .. note::
    135       Make sure you install Sphinx 1.0 or more recent.  See note above.
     140      Make sure you install Sphinx 1.3.1 or more recent.  See note above.
    137142* Install `MiKTeX <http://miktex.org>`__ if you want to build pdfs
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/howto.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r663 r696  
    11How to contribute ?
    2 ==================
    44Please consider the following simple rules if you would like to contribute to  the `ZOO-Project <http://zoo-project.org>`__  open source software.
    3737..   csv-table::
    39   Name,Description,Address
    40     zoo-discuss,General mailing list for ZOO-Project users and developers,zoo-discuss@lists.osgeo.org
    41     zoo-psc,Project Steering Committe mailing list,zoo-psc@lists.osgeo.org
     39  Name,Description
     40    `zoo-discuss <http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/zoo-discuss>`__,General mailing list for ZOO-Project users and developers
     41    `zoo-psc <http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/zoo-psc>`__,Project Steering Committe mailing list
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/index.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/translate.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r679 r696  
    2323          for i in Title Abstract;
    2424           do
    25             grep $i $j | sed "s:$i = :_(\":g;s:$:\"):g" ;
     25            grep $i $j | sed "s:$i = :_ss(\":g;s:$:\"):g" ;
    2626           done;
    2727       done > locale/.cache/my_service_string_to_translate.c
    3434      #!/bin/bash
    35       xgettext service.c locale/.cache/my_service_string_to_translate.c -o message.po -p locale/po/ -k_
     35      xgettext service.c locale/.cache/my_service_string_to_translate.c -o message.po -p locale/po/ -k_ss
    3737Once 'messages.po' is created, use the following command to create the po file for the targeted language for translation. We will use the French language here as an example :
    4545Edit the zoo_fr_FR.po file with your favorite text editor or using one of the following tools :
    47  * [http://www.poedit.net/ poedit]
    48  * [http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/virtaal/index virtaal]
    49  * [https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/grass6/c/grass64/ transifex]
     47 * `poedit <http://www.poedit.net/>`__
     48 * `virtaal <http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/virtaal/index>`__
     49 * `transifex <https://www.transifex.net/>`__
    5151Once the zoo_fr_FR.po file is completed, you can generate and install the corresponding *mo* file using the following command :
    6161example, such a request:
    63 [http://youserver/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?request=GetCapabilities&service=WPS]
    6565would become the following:
    67 [http://youserver/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?request=GetCapabilities&service=WPS&language=fr-FR]
    6969The following command may also be useful in order to pull all the translations already available for a specific language.
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/index.rst

    r695 r696  
    2323.. image:: _static/by-sa.png
    24    :height: 141px
    25    :width: 403px
     24   :width: 103px
    2625   :scale: 50 %
    2726   :alt: CC-BY-SA license
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/download.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r695 r696  
    21   svn checkout http://svn.zoo-project.org/svn/trunk zoo-project
     21  svn checkout http://svn.zoo-project.org/svn/trunk zoo-src
    2323Registered ZOO-Project developers would prefer the following:
    2727  sed "s:\[tunnels\]:\[tunnels\]\nzoosvn = /usr/bin/ssh -p 1046:g" -i ~/.subversion/config
    28   svn co svn+zoosvn://svn.zoo-project.org/var/svn/repos/trunk zoo-project
     28  svn co svn+zoosvn://svn.zoo-project.org/var/svn/repos/trunk zoo-src
    3030.. note::
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/index.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r684 r696  
    1010   :maxdepth: 2
    12    install-prerequisites
    13    install-download
    14    install-confoptions
    15    install-installation
    16    install-onwindows
     12   prerequisites
     13   download
     14   installation
     15   debian
     16   opensuse
     17   centos
     18   windows
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/installation.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r695 r696  
    33Installation on Unix/Linux
    4 =================
     6To build and install ZOO-Project on your Web Server you will need 4
     7steps :
     9 * build the cgic library,
     10 * install the ZOO-Kernel,
     11 * install the ZOO-Services,
     12 * testing your installation.
     14Build cgic
     17Run the following commands from the ``thirds/cgic`` directory to build
     18the cgic library.
     22   cd thirds/cgic
     23   make
     25The cgic library originaly come from `http://www.boutell.com/cgic
     28.. warning::
     30   You may need to edit the ``Makefile`` in case you are using a 64 bits
     31   platform for building and your fcgi library is not located in ``/usr/lib64``.
     33Install the ZOO-Kernel
    637For the impatient
    7 --------------
    940Run the following commands from the directory where you :ref:`install-download` and extracted the ZOO Kernel source code in order to build the ``zoo_loader.cgi`` CGI program with default options.
    13    cd zoo-kernel
     44   cd zoo-project/zoo-kernel
    1445   autoconf 
    1546   ./configure
    1647   make
    18 This should produce executables for the *zoo_loader.cgi* CGI program in the ``zoo-kernel`` directory. Copy the *zoo_loader.cgi* and *main.cfg* files to the HTTP server ``cgi`` directory and start using it.
     48   make install
     50This should produce executables for the *zoo_loader.cgi* CGI program
     51(located per default in ``/usr/lib/cgi-bin/``) and a shared library
     52``libzoo_service``  (located per default in ``/usr/local/lib``).
    2054.. warning::
    22    Edit ZOO-Kernel installation settings in the *main.cfg* file (set ``tmpPath`` and ``tmpUrl`` to fit your web server configuration).
    24 Debian / Ubuntu
    25 ----------------------
    27 Use the following instructions to install `ZOO-Project <http://zoo-project.org>`__ on Debian or Ubuntu distributions.
    29 Prerequisites
    30 ......................
    32 Using Debian
    33 **********************
    35 The following command should install all the required dependancies on Debian. See the :ref:`install-prereq` section for additional information.
    37 .. code-block:: guess
    39    apt-get install flex bison libfcgi-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev curl openssl autoconf apache2 python-software-properties subversion python-dev libgdal1-dev build-essential libmozjs185-dev
    41 Using Ubuntu
    42 **********************
    44 On Ubuntu, use the following command first to install the required dependancies :
    46 .. code-block:: guess
    48    sudo apt-get install flex bison libfcgi-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev curl openssl autoconf apache2 python-software-properties subversion libmozjs185-dev python-dev build-essential
    50 Then add the *UbuntuGIS* repository in order to get the latest versions of libraries
    52 .. code-block:: guess
    54    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
    55    sudo apt-get update
    57 Install the geographic library as follow:
    59 .. code-block:: guess
    61    sudo apt-get install libgdal1-dev
    64 Installation
    65 ......................
    67 :ref:`install-download` ZOO-Project latest version from svn using the following command:
    69 .. code-block:: guess
    71   svn checkout http://svn.zoo-project.org/svn/trunk zoo-project
    73 Install the *cgic* library from packages using the following command:
    75 .. code-block:: guess
    77   cd zoo-project/thirds/cgic206/
    78   make
    80 Head to the :ref:`kernel_index` directory
    82 .. code-block:: guess
    84   cd ../../zoo-project/zoo-kernel/
    86 Create a configure file as follow:
    88 .. code-block:: guess
    90   autoconf
    92 Run configure with the desired options, for example with the following command:
    94 .. code-block:: guess
    96   ./configure --with-js --with-python
     56   Edit ZOO-Kernel installation settings in the ``main.cfg`` file (set
     57   ``tmpPath`` and ``tmpUrl`` to fit your web server configuration).
     60Configure options
     63This section provides information on :ref:`kernel_index` configure options. It is recommanded to also read the :ref:`kernel_config` section for configuration technical details.
     65Here is the list of available options as returned by ``./configure --help`` command:
     67.. list-table:: Configure Options
     68   :header-rows: 1
     70   * - Option
     71     - Description
     72   * - ``--with-cgi-dir=PATH``
     73     - Specifies an alternative cgi directory path (default:
     74       /usr/lib/cgi-bin)
     75   * - ``--with-db-backend``
     76     - Relies on a database for storing status messages and response
     77       files
     78   * - ``--with-yaml=PATH``
     79     - Specifies an alternative location for the yaml library
     80   * - ``--with-fastcgi=PATH``
     81     - Specifies an alternative location for the fastcgi library
     82   * - ``--with-gdal-config=FILE``
     83     - Specifies an alternative gdal-config file
     84   * - ``--with-xml2config=FILE``
     85     - Specifies an alternative xml2-config file
     86   * - ``--with-python=PATH``
     87     - Enables python support or specifies an alternative directory
     88       for python installation (disabled by default)
     89   * - ``--with-pyvers=NUM``
     90     - Uses a specific python version
     91   * - ``--with-js=PATH``
     92     - Enables javascript support, disabled by default
     93   * - ``--with-php=PATH``
     94     - Enables php support or specify an alternative directory for php
     95       installation, disabled by default
     96   * - ``--with-java=PATH``
     97     - Enables java support or specifies a JDK_HOME, disabled by
     98       default
     99   * - ``--with-ruby=PATH``
     100     - To enable ruby support or specify an alternative directory for
     101       ruby installation, disabled by default
     102   * - ``--with-rvers=NUM``
     103     - To use a specific ruby version
     104   * - ``--with-perl=PATH``
     105     - Enables perl support or specifies an alternative directory for
     106       perl installation, disabled by default
     107   * - ``--with-mapserver=PATH``
     108     - Specifies the path for MapServer compiled source tree
     109   * - ``--with-itk=PATH``
     110     - Specifies an alternative location for the ITK library
     111   * - ``--with-itk-version=VERSION``
     112     - Specifies an alternative version for the ITK library
     113   * - ``--with-otb=PATH``
     114     - Enables optional OrfeoToolbox support
     115   * - ``--with-wx-config=PATH``
     116     - Specifies an alternative path for the wx-config tool
     117   * - ``--with-saga=PATH``
     118     - Enables optional SAGA GIS support
     121.. code ::
     123  --with-cgi-dir=PATH     Specifies an alternative cgi directory path (
     124                          default: /usr/lib/cgi-bin)
     125  --with-db-backend       Relies on a database for storing status messages and
     126                          response files
     127  --with-yaml=PATH        Specifies an alternative location for the yaml
     128                          library
     129  --with-fastcgi=PATH     Specifies an alternative location for the fastcgi
     130                          library
     131  --with-xml2config=FILE  Specifies an alternative xml2-config file
     132  --with-xsltconfig=FILE  Specifies an alternative xslt-config file
     133  --with-gdal-config=FILE Specifies an alternative gdal-config file
     134  --with-proj=PATH        Specifies an alternative location for PROJ4 setup
     135  --with-geosconfig=FILE  Specifies an alternative geos-config file
     136  --with-cgal=PATH        Specifies an alternative location for CGAL setup
     137  --with-mapserver=PATH   Specifies the path for MapServer compiled source
     138                          tree
     139  --with-python=PATH      To enable python support or Specifies an alternative
     140                          directory for python installation, disabled by
     141                          default
     142  --with-pyvers=NUM       To use a specific python version
     143  --with-js=PATH          Specifies --with-js=path-to-js to enable js support,
     144                          specify --with-js on linux debian like, js support
     145                          is disabled by default
     146  --with-php=PATH         To enable php support or specify an alternative
     147                          directory for php installation, disabled by default
     148  --with-java=PATH        To enable java support, specify a JDK_HOME, disabled
     149                          by default
     150  --with-ruby=PATH        To enable ruby support or specify an alternative
     151                          directory for ruby installation, disabled by default
     152  --with-rvers=NUM        To use a specific ruby version
     153  --with-perl=PATH        To enable perl support or specify an alternative
     154                          directory for perl installation, disabled by default
     155  --with-itk=PATH         Specifies an alternative location for the itk
     156                          library
     157  --with-itk-version=VERSION
     158                          Specifies an alternative version for the itk library
     159  --with-otb=PATH         Specifies an alternative location for the otb
     160                          library
     161  --with-wx-config=PATH   Specifies an alternative path for the wx-config tool
     162  --with-saga=PATH        Specifies an alternative location for the SAGA-GIS
     163                          library
     170  --with-cgi-dir=PATH     Specifies an alternative cgi directory path (default: /usr/lib/cgi-bin)
     171  --with-db-backend       Relies on a database for storing status messages and response files
     172  --with-yaml=PATH        Specifies an alternative location for the yaml library
     173  --with-fastcgi=PATH     Specifies an alternative location for the fastcgi library
     174  --with-gdal-config=FILE Specifies an alternative gdal-config file
     175  --with-xml2config=FILE  Specifies an alternative xml2-config file
     176  --with-python=PATH      Enables python support or specifies an alternative directory for python installation (disabled by default)
     177  --with-pyvers=NUM       Uses a specific python version
     178  --with-js=PATH          Enables javascript support, disabled by default
     179  --with-php=PATH         Enables php support or specify an alternative directory for php installation, disabled by default
     180  --with-java=PATH        Enables java support or specifies a JDK_HOME, disabled by default
     181  --with-ruby=PATH        To enable ruby support or specify an alternative directory for ruby installation, disabled by default
     182  --with-rvers=NUM        To use a specific ruby version
     183  --with-perl=PATH        Enables perl support or specifies an alternative directory for perl installation, disabled by default
     184  --with-mapserver=PATH   Specifies the path for MapServer compiled source tree
     185  --with-itk=PATH          Specifies an alternative location for the ITK library
     186  --with-itk-version=VERSION          Specifies an alternative version for the ITK library     
     187  --with-otb=PATH         Enables optional OrfeoToolbox support
     188  --with-wx-config=PATH   Specifies an alternative path for the wx-config tool
     189  --with-saga=PATH        Enables optional SAGA GIS support
     191All the options are described in more details in the following sections.
     193GDAL Support (Required)
     196If gdal-config program is not found in your ``PATH``, a
     197``--with-gdal-config`` option can be used to specify its location. For
     198instance, if ``gdal-config`` lies in ``/usr/local/bin`` which is not in
     199your PATH, you may use the following command:
     203  $ ./configure --with-gdal-config=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config
     205XML2 Support (Required)
     208If xml2-config program is not found in PATH, a *--with-xml2config* option can be used  to specify its location. For instance, if xml2-config is installed in ``/usr/local/bin`` which is not in PATH, you may use the following command:
     212  $ ./configure --with-xml2config=/usr/local/bin/xml2-config
     215Python Support (Optional)
     218The ``--with-python=yes`` option is required to activate the :ref:`kernel_index` Python support, using the following command:
     222  $ ./configure --with-python=yes
     224This assumes that python-config is found in your ``PATH``. If not,
     225then you can specify the Python installation directory using the
     226following command (with Python installed in the ``/usr/local``
     231  $ ./configure --with-python=/usr/local
     234Python Version
     237If multiple Python versions are available and you want to use a
     238specific one, then you can use the ``--with-pyvers`` option as shown
     243  $ ./configure --with-pyvers=2.7
     246PHP Support (Optional)
     249The ``--with-php=yes`` option is required to activate the
     250:ref:`kernel_index` PHP support`, using the following command:
     254  $ ./configure --with-php=yes
     256This assumes that ``php-config`` can be found in the ``<PATH>/bin``
     257directory . So, supposing the your ``php-config`` can be found in
     258``/usr/local/bin``, then use the following command:
     262  $ ./configure --with-php=/usr/local
     264.. warning::
     265    ZOO-Kernel optional PHP support requires a local PHP Embedded installation. Read more `here <http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/ZooKernel/Embed/PHP>`__.
     268Perl Support (Optional)
     271The ``--with-perl=yes`` option can be used for activating the
     272ZOO-Kernel Perl support, as follow:
     276  $ ./configure --with-perl=yes
     278This assumes that perl is found in your PATH. For instance, if Perl is
     279installed in ``/usr/local`` and ``/usr/local/bin`` is not found in
     280your ``PATH``, then the following command can be used (this assumes
     281that ``/usr/local/bin/perl`` exists):
     285  $ ./configure --with-perl=/usr/local
     288Java Support (Optional)
     291In order to activate the Java support for ZOO-Kernel, the
     292`--with-java` configure option must be specified and sets the
     293installation path of your Java SDK. For instance,  if Java SDK is
     294installed in the ``/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-`` directory,
     295then the following command can be used:
     299  $ ./configure --with-java=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
     301This assumes that the ``include/linux`` and ``jre/lib/i386/client/``
     302subdirectories exist in ``/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-``, and
     303that the ``include/linux`` directory contains the ``jni.h`` headers file
     304and that the ``jre/lib/i386/client/`` directory contains the ``libjvm.so``
     308.. note::
     309   With Mac OS X you only have to set *macos* as the value for the
     310   ``--with-java`` option to activate Java support. For example:
     312   ::
     314     $ ./configure --with-java=macos
     316.. _js-support:
     318JavaScript Support (Optional)
     321In order to activate the JavaScript support for ZOO-Kernel,
     322the ``--with-js=yes`` configure option must be specified. If you are using
     323a "Debian-like" GNU/Linux distribution then  dpkg will be used to
     324detect if the required packages are installed and you don't have to
     325specify anything here. The following command is only needed (assuming
     326that js_api.h and libmozjs.so are found in default directories):
     331  $ ./configure --with-js=yes
     333If you want to use a custom installation of `SpiderMonkey
     334<https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SpiderMonkey>`__ , or if you are not
     335using a Debian packaging  system, then you'll have to specify the
     336directory where it is installed. For  instance, if SpiderMonkey is in
     337``/usr/local/``, then the following command must be used:
     341  $ ./configure --with-js=/usr/local
     344MapServer Support (Optional)
     348In order to activate the WMS, WFS and WCS output support using
     349MapServer, the ``--with-mapserver`` option must be used. The path to
     350``mapserver-config`` which is located in the source code of MapServer
     351must also be set, using the following command:
     355  $ ./configure --with-mapserver=/path/to/your/mapserver_config/
     358Read more about the :ref:`kernel-mapserver`.
     361Orfeo Toolbox Support (Optional)
     364In order to activate the optional Orfeo Toolbox support, the
     365``--with-otb`` option must be used, using the following command:
     369  $ ./configure --with-otb=/path/to/your/otb/
     372Read more about the :ref:`kernel-orfeotoolbox`.
     374.. warning::
     375    To build the Orfeo Toolbox support you will require ITK, the
     376    default version of ITK is 4.5, in case you use another version,
     377    please make sure to use the ``--with-itk-version`` to specificy
     378    what is the version available on your system.
     380SAGA GIS Support (Optional)
     384In order to activate the optional SAGA GIS support, the *--with-saga* option must be used, using the following command:
     388  $ ./configure --with-saga=/path/to/your/saga/
     391Read more about the :ref:`kernel-sagagis`.
     393.. warning::
     394    In case wx-config is not in your ``PATH`` please, make sure to use
     395    the ``--with-wx-config``  to specify its location.
     397Install ZOO-Services
     400.. warning::
     401    We present here a global installation procedure for basics
     402    ZOO-Services, for details about automatic installation of services
     403    provided by :ref:`kernel-orfeotoolbox` or :ref:`kernel-sagagis`,
     404    please refer to there specific documentations.
     406Depending on the programming language used to implement the
     407ZOO-Services you want to install, you will need to build a
     408Services Provider. In the case of *C* and *Fotran*, you would create a
     409shared library exporting the functions corresponding to all the
     410ZOO-Services provided by this Services Provider. In case of *Java*,
     411you will need to build a Java Class. In any other programming
     412language, you should simply have to install the ServiceProvider and
     413the zcfg files.
     415If building a Shared library or a Java class is required, then you
     416should find a ``Makefile`` in the service directory which is
     417responsible to help you build this Services Provider. So you should
     418simply run the `make` command from the Service directory to generate
     419the required file.
     421Then you simply need to copy the content of the ``cgi-env`` directory
     422in ``cgi-bin``.
     424To install the ``ogr/base-vect-ops`` Services Provider, supposing that
     425your ``cgi-bin`` directory is ``/usr/local/lib`` use the following
     428.. code::
     430    cd zoo-project/zoo-services/ogr/base-vect-ops
     431    make
     432    cp cgi-env/*.* /usr/lib/cgi-bin
    98434.. note::
    99    Refer to the :ref:`install-configure` section for the full list of available options
    101 Compile ZOO-Kernel as follow:
    103 .. code-block:: guess
    105   make
    107 Copy the necessary files to the `cgi-bin` directory (as administrator user)
    109 .. code-block:: guess
    111   cp main.cfg /usr/lib/cgi-bin
    112   cp zoo_loader.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin
    114 Install ZOO ServiceProviders, for example the basic Python service (as administrator user)
    116 .. code-block:: guess
    118   cp ../zoo-services/hello-py/cgi-env/*.zcfg /usr/lib/cgi-bin
    119   cp ../zoo-services/hello-py/*.py /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
    121 Edit the *main.cfg* file as follow (example configuration):
    123 .. code-block:: guess
    125   nano /usr/lib/cgi-bin/main.cfg
    126   - serverAddress =
    129 Test the ZOO-Kernel installation with the following requests:
    131 .. code-block:: guess
    135 .. code-block:: guess
    139 .. code-block:: guess
    144 .. note::
    146    Such request should return well formed XML documents (OWS documents responses).
    148 .. warning::
    150    If ZOO-Kernel returns an error please check the :ref:`kernel_config` and beware of the :ref:`install-prereq`.
    153 OpenSUSE
    154 ----------------------
    156 :ref:`kernel_index` is maintained as a package in `OpenSUSE Build Service (OBS) <https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=zoo-kernel&project=Application%3AGeo>`__. RPM are thus provided for all versions of OpenSUSE Linux (11.2, 11.3, 11.4, Factory).
    158 Stable release
    159 ......................
    161 Use the following instructions to install ZOO-Project latetst release on OpenSUSE distribution.
    163 One-click installer
    164 *******************
    166 A one-click installer is available `here <http://software.opensuse.org/search?q=zoo-kernel&baseproject=openSUSE%3A11.4&lang=en&exclude_debug=true>`__.
    167 For openSUSE 11.4, follow this direct `link <http://software.opensuse.org/ymp/Application:Geo/openSUSE_11.4/zoo-kernel.ymp?base=openSUSE%3A11.4&query=zoo-kernel>`__.
    169 Yast software manager
    170 *********************
    172 Add the `Application:Geo <http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Application:/Geo/>`__ repository to the software repositories and then ZOO-Kernel can then be found in Software Management using the provided search tool.
    174 Command line (as root for openSUSE 11.4)
    175 ****************************************
    177 Install ZOO-Kernel package by yourself using the following command:
    179 .. code-block:: guess
    181   zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Application:/Geo/openSUSE_11.4/
    182   zypper refresh
    183   zypper install zoo-kernel
    185 Developement version
    186 ......................
    188 The latest development version of ZOO-Kernel can be found in OBS under the project `home:tzotsos <https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=home%3Atzotsos>`__. ZOO-Kernel packages are maintained and tested there before being released to the Application:Geo repository. Installation methods are identical as for the stable version. Make sure to use `this <http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/tzotsos/>`__ repository instead.
    190 Command line (as root for openSUSE 11.4)
    191 ********************************************
    193 Install latest ZOO-Kernel trunk version with the following command:
    195 .. code-block:: guess
    197   zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/tzotsos/openSUSE_11.4/
    198   zypper refresh
    199   zypper install zoo-kernel
    200   zypper install zoo-kernel-grass-bridge
    202 Note that there is the option of adding the zoo-wps-grass-bridge package. This option will automatically install grass7 (svn trunk).
    205 CentOS
    206 ----------------------
    208 Use the following instructions to install `ZOO-Project <http://zoo-project.org>`__ on CentOS distributions.
    210 Prerequisites
    211 ......................
    213 .. code-block:: guess
    215   yum install apache2
    216   yum install build-essentials
    217   yum install gcc-c++
    218   yum install zlib-devel
    219   yum install libxml2-devel
    220   yum install bison
    221   yum install openssl
    222   yum install python-devel
    223   yum install subversion
    226 Compile then install FastCGI library from source
    228 ::
    230   wget http://www.fastcgi.com/dist/fcgi.tar.gz
    231   tar xzf fcgi-2.4.0.tar.gz
    232   ./configure
    233   make
    234   make install
    235   echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf
    236   ldconfig
    238 Compile then install the autoconf tools :
    240 ::
    242   wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-latest.tar.gz
    243   tar xzf autoconf-latest.tar.gz
    244   ./configure --prefix=/usr
    245   make
    246   make install
    248 Compile then install the flex tool :
    250 ::
    252   wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/flex/flex/flex-2.5.35/flex-2.5.35.tar.gz?r=http%3A%2F%2Fflex.sourceforge.net%2F&ts=1292529005&use_mirror=switch
    253   tar xzf flex-2.5.35.tar.gz
    254   cd flex-2.5.35
    255   ./configure --prefix=/usr
    256   make
    257   make install
    259 Using the curl provided in the CentOS distribution will produce a ZOO-Kernel unable to run any
    260 Service. Indeed, some segmentation faults occur when trying to run ``Execute`` requests on the ZOO-Kernel,
    261 compiling the ZOO-Kernel setting ``USE_GDB`` flag in the ``CFLAGS`` of your ``Makefile`` will let you run
    262 ZOO-Kernel from gdb and be able to get more information on what is going wrong with your ZOO-Kernel.
    263 Doing this we can figure out that code on `line 173 <http://zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-kernel/ulinet.c#L173>`__
    264 and `line 175 <http://zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-kernel/ulinet.c#L175>`__ have to be commented in the
    265 ``ulinet.c`` file to get a ZOO-Kernel working using the curl available in CentOS (curl version 7.15.5).
    266 If you don't apply the modification, you will get an error from a gdb session pointing
    267 segfault in ``Curl_cookie_clearall``.
    269 You can optionally compile then install curl from source :
    271 ::
    273   wget http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.21.3.tar.bz2
    274   tar xjf curl-7.21.3.tar.bz2
    275   cd curl-7.21.3
    276   ./configure --prefix=/usr
    277   make
    278   make install
    280 Compile then install Python :
    282 ::
    284   wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.6/Python-2.6.6.tar.bz2
    285   tar xjf Python-2.6.6.tar.bz2
    286   cd Python-2.6.6
    287   ./configure
    288   make
    289   make install
    291 Compile then install your own GDAL library :
    293 ::
    295   wget http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/gdal-1.7.3.tar.gz
    296   tar xzf gdal-1.7.3.tar.gz
    297   cd gdal-1.7.3
    298   ./configure  # add your options here
    299   make
    300   make install
    302 Install the Sun JAVA SDK into ``/usr/share`` then use the following command to ensure that the ``libjvm.so``
    303 will be found at runtime from any context.
    305 ::
    307   echo /usr/share/java-1.6.0-openjdk- >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/jvm.conf
    308   ldconfig
     435    You may also run ``make install`` directly after ``make``.
     438To install the hello-py Services Provider, use the following commands:
     440.. code::
     442    cd zoo-project/zoo-services/hello-py/
     443    cp cgi-env/* /usr/lib/cgi-bin
     446Testing your installation
     449To test your installation yous should first be able to run the
     450following command from the ``cgi-bin`` directory:
     452.. code::
     454    ./zoo_loader.cgi "request=GetCapabilities&service=WPS"
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/prerequisites.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
    r695 r696  
    1111- autoconf (`http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/ <http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/>`_)
    12 - cgic (`http://www.boutell.com/cgic <http://www.boutell.com/cgic>`_)
     12- gettext (`https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ <https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/>`_ )
    1313- cURL (`http://curl.haxx.se <http://curl.haxx.se>`_ )
    1414- FastCGI (`http://www.fastcgi.com <http://www.fastcgi.com>`_ )
    1616- libxml2 (  http://xmlsoft.org )
    1717- OpenSSL (  http://www.openssl.org )
    18 - Python (  http://www.python.org )
    19 - GDAL (for using the available GDAL based ZOO-Services) (http://gdal.org/)
     18- GDAL (http://gdal.org/)
    2120 .. warning::
    2928- MapServer (for ZOO-Kernel optional WMS, WFS and WCS support) (http://mapserver.org)
     29- Python (  http://www.python.org )
    3030- PHP Embedded (for ZOO-Kernel optional PHP support) (http://www.php.net)
    3131- Java SDK (for ZOO-Kernel optional Java support) (http://java.sun.com)
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/windows.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/kernel/configuration.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/kernel/index.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/kernel/mapserver.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/kernel/orfeotoolbox.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/kernel/sagagis.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/kernel/what.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/debug.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/howtos.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/index.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/process-profiles.rst

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    r659 r696  
    33Process profiles registry
    4 ================
    66WPS Services belonging to the same Services provider often share the
    99this may be a waste of time to write them all.
    11 :ref:`ZOO-Kernel <kernel_index>` is able to handle metadata inheritance from `rev. 607 <http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/changeset/607>`__, and this solves the issue of writing many ZCFG with same input and output. A registry can be loaded (before any other ZCFG files) and contain a set of Process Profiles organized in hierarchic levels according to the following rules:
     11:ref:`ZOO-Kernel <kernel_index>` is able to handle metadata
     12inheritance from `rev. 607
     13<http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/changeset/607>`__, and this solves
     14the issue of writing many ZCFG with same input and output. A registry
     15can be loaded (before any other ZCFG files) and contain a set of
     16Process Profiles organized in hierarchic levels according to the
     17following rules:
    1319  * *Concept*: The higher level in the hierarchy. *Concepts* are basic text files containing an abstract description of a WPS Service.
    171177        </Supported>
    172178    </DataOutputs>
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/status.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/what.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/zcfg-reference.rst

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  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/zoo-services.rst

    • Property svn:keywords set to Date Author
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.


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