Jun 30, 2015, 1:45:09 PM (10 years ago)

Various fixes in contribute documentation

3 edited


  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/contributors.rst

    r696 r700  
    1313   * Venkatesh RAGHAVAN (aka venka)
     15ZOO Project Steering Comitee
     18The ZOO Project Steering Comitee is responsible to manage the project
     19which is maintained, improved, and supported by a small but growing
     20developer community. The PSC is composed of the following people (by
     21alphabetical order):
     23    * Nicolas BOZON (`GeoLabs SARL <http://geolabs.fr>`_), FR
     24    * Maria Antonia BROVELLI (`Politecnico di Milano
     25      <http://www.polimi.it>`_), IT
     26    * Massimiliano CANNATA (`SUPSI <http://www.ist.supsi.ch/>`_), CH
     27    * Gérald FENOY (`GeoLabs <http://www.geolabs.fr/>`_), FR **(Chair)**
     28    * Hirofumi HAYASHI (`AppTech <http://www.apptec.co.jp/>`_), JP
     29    * Daniel KASTL (`Georepublic <http://georepublic.de/en/>`_), DE
     30    * Jeff McKENNA (`Gateway Geomatics
     31      <http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/>`_), CA
     32    * Markus NETELER (`Fondazione Edmund Mach
     33      <http://gis.fem-environment.eu/>`_), IT
     34    * Venkatesh RAGHAVAN (`Osaka City University
     35      <http://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/index-e.html>`_), JP
     36    * Angelos TZOTSOS (`National Technical University of Athens
     37      <http://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos/>`_), GR
    1541ZOO-Project Commiters
    2450   * Luca DELUCCHI (aka lucadelu)
    2551   * René-Luc D'HONT  (aka reluc)
    26    * Gérald FENOY (aka djay)
     52   * Gérald FENOY (aka djay) **Admin**
    2753   * Knut LANDMARK (aka knut)
    2854   * Jeff MCKENNA (aka jmckenna)
    4066   * Thomas GRATIER
    41    * Hirofumi HAYASHI
    4267   * Guillaume SUEUR
    4368   * Daisuke YOSHIDA
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/contribute/release.rst

    r699 r700  
    1    .. _contribute_release:
     1.. _contribute_release:
    3 Release procedure
    4 ================================
     3Release Procedure
    6 General rules
    7 ------------------
     6 * Any ZOO-Project commiter can ask for a release by asking the ZOO-Project PSC and pointing a release manager. This last will then vote for accepting both the manager and the release procedure to happen.
     7 * If not already created, create  a wiki page (like this `this one <http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/Release/1.3.0/Notes>`_ using this scheme: Release/M.m.r/Notes), summarizing changes from the previous release (extracted from the `revision log <http://zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-project/HISTORY.txt>`_).
     8 * That file should include new features, changed features, and deprecated features if any. Changes to the official documentation should be specifically noted along with other items that will cause breaking changes during upgrades.
     9 * Read the documentation and remove outdated parts.
     10 * Create release candidate as .zip and .tar.bz2  then add them on this `page <http://zoo-project.org/site/Downloads>`_ (by editing this `wiki page <http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/Download>`_)
     11 * Cut a release candidate once you think that everything is in order. Announce the release candidate for review for at least 1 week. In this period of time, it is also appropriate for you to deploy in production since you are asserting that it is stable and (significant) bug free. Publish a specific revision with this.
     12 * If significant bugs are reported, fix and cut a new release candidate. If no major bugs, then announce that the release candidate has officially been promoted to the official release (if you want, you can do this with a motion and support of the PSC).
     13 * Ensure that release exactly matches something in SVN. Tag and branch appropriately.
     14 * Update documentation as needed.
     15 * Announce on various email list and other locations (news_item@osgeo.org, SlashGeo, etc)
    9 The ZOO-Project release procedure is commonly defined by the following rules:
    11    * Any ZOO-Project commiter can ask for a release by asking the ZOO-Project PSC and pointing a release manager. This last will then vote for accepting both the manager and the release procedure to happen.
    12    * It is first needed to create a wiki page summarizing the changes from the previous release (extracted from the revision log file called
    13    `HISTORY <http://zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-project/HISTORY.txt>`__ ).
    14    * That wiki page should include new features, changed features, and
    15      deprecated features if any. Changes to the official documentation
    16      should be specifically noted along with other items that will
    17      cause breaking changes during upgrades.
    18    * Read the documentation and remove outdated parts.
    19    * Compress the release candidate source code in .zip and .tar.bz2
    20      formats, and then add them to the `Download
    21      <http://zoo-project.org/Download>`__ section of the ZOO-Project
    22      website.
    23    * Cut a release candidate once you think that everything is in
    24      order. Announce the release candidate for review for a duration
    25      of at least 1 week. During this time, it is also appropriate to
    26      deploy the release candidate in production since you are
    27      asserting that it is stable and (significant) bug free. Publish a
    28      specific revision with this.
    29    * If significant bugs are reported, fix and cut a new release
    30      candidate. If no major bugs, then announce that the release
    31      candidate has officially been promoted to the official release
    32      (This can optionally done with a motion and support of the
    33      PSC).
    34    * Ensure that release exactly matches something in SVN. Tag and branch appropriately.
    35    * Update documentation as needed.
    36    * Announce the release on the zoo-discuss list and various media
    38 Creating an official release
    39 ---------------------
     17Creating an Official Release
    4120Release versions lead to an update in documentation and standard tarballs. This is to help future administrators repeatably create releases.
    43   * Double check that the pages from  the ZOO-Project.org web site match the current version.
    44   * Double check that the latest build file matches the current revisions number.
    45   * If this is a new major release create a branch and a tag, as shown
    46     bellow:
    48     ::
    50       cd zoo-project-svn/
    51       svn cp trunk branches/branch-1.6
    52       svn cp trunk tags/rel-1.6.0
     22* Double check that the pages from `the ZOO-Project.org web site <http://zoo-project.org/>`_ match the current version.
     23* Double check that the latest build file matches the current revisions number.
     24* If this is a new major release create a branch and a tag.
    54   * If this is a major or minor relase, create a tag, as follow:
     26.. code::
    56     ::
    58       svn cp branches/branch-1.6 tags/rel-1.6.1
    60   * Commit the tags or branches with the version numbers.
    62      ::
    64        svn commit -m 'Created branch/tags for the X.Y.Z release'
     28    cd zoo-project-svn/
     29    svn cp trunk branches/branch-1.6
     30    svn cp trunk tags/rel-1.6.0
    66    * Create version archives
    68      ::
    70        export VERSION=2.6.0
    71        cd zoo-propject-svn
    72        cp -r trunk zoo-project-$VERSION
    73        cd zoo-project-$VERSION
    74        rm -rf $(find ./ -name ".svn")
    75        cd zoo-project/zoo-kernel
    76        autoconf
    77        cd ../../..
    78        # Remove documentation from the archive
    79        rm -rf ./zoo-project-$VERSION/docs
    80        tar -cvjf ./zoo-project-$VERSION.tar.bz2 ./zoo-project-$VERSION
    81        zip -r ./zoo-project-$VERSION.zip ./zoo-project-$VERSION
    82        scp -P 1046 ./zoo-project-$VERSION.{zip,tar.bz2} zoo-project.org:/var/www/localhost/htdocs/dl/
     32* If this is a major or minor relase, create a tag.
    84    * Update the `Download <http://zoo-project.org/Download>`__ section to add and link to the latest release.
     34.. code::
     36    svn cp branches/branch-1.6 tags/rel-1.6.1
     38* Commit the tags or branches with the version numbers.
     40.. code::
     42    svn commit -m 'Created branch/tags for the X.Y.Z release'
     44* Create version archives
     46.. code::
     48    export VERSION=2.6.0
     49    cd zoo-propject-svn
     50    cp -r trunk zoo-project-$VERSION
     51    cd zoo-project-$VERSION
     52    rm -rf $(find ./ -name ".svn")
     53    cd zoo-project/zoo-kernel
     54    autoconf
     55    cd ../../..
     56    # Remove documentation from the archive
     57    rm -rf ./zoo-project-$VERSION/docs
     58    tar -cvjf ./zoo-project-$VERSION.tar.bz2 ./zoo-project-$VERSION
     59    zip -r ./zoo-project-$VERSION.zip ./zoo-project-$VERSION
     60    scp -P 1046 ./zoo-project-$VERSION.{zip,tar.bz2} zoo-project.org:/var/www/localhost/htdocs/dl/
     62* Update the `Downloads page <http://zoo-project.org/site/Downloads>`_ to add the latest release (by editing `this wiki page <http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/Downloads>`_).
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/installation.rst

    r696 r700  
    212212  $ ./configure --with-xml2config=/usr/local/bin/xml2-config
     214Use a Database Backend (Optional)
     217If you want to share the ongoing informations of running services
     218between various ZOO-Kernel instances then you should activate this
     219option. This way, both the *GetStatus*, *GetResult* and *Dismiss*
     220requests can be run from any host accessing the same database.
     222.. note::
     223    By now, the ZOO-Kernel is not able to handle correctly the
     224    *Dismiss* request from any host. Nevertheless, it will provide
     225    valid response from any host, but only the host which is really
     226    handling the service will be able to stop it and remove all the
     227    linked files.
    215231Python Support (Optional)
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.


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