Jun 30, 2015, 4:22:29 PM (10 years ago)

Various fixes

3 edited


  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/installation.rst

    r700 r711  
    212212  $ ./configure --with-xml2config=/usr/local/bin/xml2-config
     214.. _zoo_install_db_backend:
    214216Use a Database Backend (Optional)
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/prerequisites.rst

    r696 r711  
    99The following libraries are required to install :ref:`kernel_index`. Please make sure they are available on your system before anything else.
    11 - autoconf (`http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/ <http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/>`_)
    12 - gettext (`https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ <https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/>`_ )
     11- autoconf (`http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/
     12  <http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/>`_)
     13- gettext (`https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/
     14  <https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/>`_ )
    1315- cURL (`http://curl.haxx.se <http://curl.haxx.se>`_ )
    1416- FastCGI (`http://www.fastcgi.com <http://www.fastcgi.com>`_ )
    15 - Flex & Bison (`http://flex.sourceforge.net/ <http://flex.sourceforge.net/>`_ | `http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/ <http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/>`_ )
     17- Flex & Bison (`http://flex.sourceforge.net/
     18  <http://flex.sourceforge.net/>`_ |
     19  `http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/
     20  <http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/>`_ )
    1621- libxml2 (  http://xmlsoft.org )
    1722- OpenSSL (  http://www.openssl.org )
    2025 .. warning::
    21     It is mandatory to install every library listed above before compiling and installing ZOO-Kernel
     26    It is mandatory to install every library listed above before
     27    compiling and installing ZOO-Kernel
    2632You may also consider the following optional libraries:
    28 - MapServer (for ZOO-Kernel optional WMS, WFS and WCS support) (http://mapserver.org)
     34- MapServer (for ZOO-Kernel optional WMS, WFS and WCS support)
     35  ( http://mapserver.org )
    2936- Python (  http://www.python.org )
    30 - PHP Embedded (for ZOO-Kernel optional PHP support) (http://www.php.net)
    31 - Java SDK (for ZOO-Kernel optional Java support) (http://java.sun.com)
    32 - SpiderMonkey (for ZOO-Kernel optional Javascript support) (http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/)
    33 - SAGA GIS (for ZOO-Kernel optional SAGA support)(http://www.saga-gis.org/en/index.html/)
    34 - OrfeoToolbox (for ZOO-Kernel optional OTB support) (https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/)
    35 - Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit  (http://itk.org/ITK/resources/software.html/>)
    36 - GRASS GIS (for using it through WPSGrassBridge) (http://grass.osgeo.org)
     37- PHP Embedded (for ZOO-Kernel optional PHP support)
     38  ( http://www.php.net )
     39- Java SDK (for ZOO-Kernel optional Java support) (
     40  http://java.sun.com )
     41- SpiderMonkey (for ZOO-Kernel optional Javascript support) (
     42  http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/ )
     43- SAGA GIS (for ZOO-Kernel optional SAGA support) (
     44  http://www.saga-gis.org/en/index.html/ )
     45- OrfeoToolbox (for ZOO-Kernel optional OTB support) (
     46  https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/ )
     47- GRASS GIS (for using it through WPSGrassBridge) (
     48  http://grass.osgeo.org )
     49- PostgreSQL support activated in GDAL to :ref:`zoo_install_db_backend`
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/kernel/what.rst

    r697 r711  
    99ZOO-Kernel is the heart of the `ZOO-Project <http://zoo-project.org>`_ WPS platform. It is a WPS compliant implementation written in C language which provides a powerful and extensible WPS server.
    11 ZOO-Kernel is an extensible WPS server that makes your system more powerful. It provides a full-featured processing engine which runs on Linux, Mac OSX |trade| and Windows |trade| operating
    12 systems. ZOO-Kernel is a CGI program which works on common web servers (namely `Apache <http://httpd.apache.org/>`_ or `IIS <http://www.iis.net/>`_ |trade|). It can be seamlessly integrated to new or existing web platforms.
     11ZOO-Kernel is an extensible WPS server that makes your system more
     12powerful. It provides a full-featured processing engine which runs on
     13Linux, Mac OSX |trade| and Windows |trade| operating
     14systems. ZOO-Kernel is a CGI program which works on common web servers
     15(namely `Apache <http://httpd.apache.org/>`_ or `IIS
     16<http://www.iis.net/>`_ |trade|). It can be seamlessly integrated to
     17new or existing web platforms.
    14 ZOO-Kernel lets you process geospatial or non geospatial data using well formed WPS requests. The WPS server is able to manage and chain WPS Services (see ZOO-Services for examples) by loading dynamic libraries and source code written in different programming languages. 
     20ZOO-Kernel lets you process geospatial or non geospatial data using
     21well formed WPS requests. The WPS server is able to manage and chain
     22WPS Services (see ZOO-Services for examples) by loading dynamic
     23libraries and source code written in different programming languages. 
    1625First class WPS server
    22 ZOO-Kernel implements and complies with the `WPS 1.0.0 <http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wps/>`_ and the `WPS 2.0.0 <http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wps/>`_ standards edited by the `Open Geospatial Consortium <http://www.opengeospatial.org/>`_. It is able to perform the WPS operations as indicated in the OpenGIS |reg| specification, as listed bellow:
     31ZOO-Kernel implements and complies with the `WPS 1.0.0
     32<http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wps/>`_ and the `WPS 2.0.0
     33<http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wps/>`_ standards edited by
     34the `Open Geospatial Consortium <http://www.opengeospatial.org/>`_. It
     35is able to perform the WPS operations defined in the OpenGIS |reg|
     36specification, such as:
    24 * **GetCapablities**: Returns service-level metadata information.It provides the list of available processing services.
    25 * **DescribeProcess**: Returns a description of a process, including its supported input and output.
    26 * **Execute**:  Launches computation and returns the output produced by a particular process.
     38* **GetCapablities**: Returns service-level metadata information.It
     39  provides the list of available processing services.
     40* **DescribeProcess**: Returns a description of a process, including
     41  its supported input and output.
     42* **Execute**:  Launches computation and returns the output produced
     43  by a particular process.
     44* **GetStatus**:  only available in WPS 2.0.0, it lets the client fetch
     45  the ongoing status of a running service.
     46* **GetResult**: only available in WPS 2.0.0, it lets the client fetch
     47  the final result of a running service.
     48* **Dismiss**: only available in WPS 2.0.0, it lets the client ask
     49  the server to stop a running service and remove any file it created.
    2851ZOO-Kernel compliancy and performances can be tested using the
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