Jul 2, 2015, 1:25:29 PM (10 years ago)

Add document to help translating the internal messages using transifex. Put db creation in installation. Update windows installation procedure (nothing specific to setup on IIS or Apache, but it is known as working on both) including details for available options.

2 edited


  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/installation.rst

    r717 r722  
    110110    linked files.
     112.. _zoo_create_db_backend:
     114To create a new database to be used by the ZOO-Kernel, you have
     115to load the `schema.sql
     117file. For instance, you may run the following:
     119.. code::
     121    createdb zoo_project
     122    psql zoo_project -f zoo-project/zoo-kernel/sql/schema.sql
     124.. note::
     125    You can choose another schema to store ZOO-Kernel specific
     126    informations. In such a case, you would need to edit the
     127    schema.sql file to uncomment line `33
     128    <http://zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/sql/schema.sql#L33>`_
     129    and `34
     130    <http://zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/sql/schema.sql#L34>`_.
    112134YAML Support (Optional)
    375 The ZOO-Kernel is able to translate the messages it produce in different
    376 natural languages. For this translation support to work, you have to
    377 generate and install manually the quested files on your system, by
    378 using the following command:
    380 .. code::
    382     msgfmt zoo-project/zoo-kernel/locale/po/fr_FR.utf8.po -o /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/zoo-kernel.mo
     397The ZOO-Kernel is able to translate the messages it produces in different
     398natural languages. This requires that you download `the messages file
     400translated in your language, if any. Then, for this translation
     401support to work, you have to generate manually the requested file on
     402your system. For instance for the French translation, you may use the
     403following command:
     405.. code::
     407    msgfmt messagespo_fr_FR.utf8.po -o /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/zoo-kernel.mo
    384409The ZOO-Kernel is also able to handle translation of
  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/install/windows.rst

    r696 r722  
    10 Using OSGeo4W
    11 --------------
    13 Install OSGeo4W
    14 ..........................................
    16 First download the OSGeo4W installer from  http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/, and install it with all the dependencies needed by your
    17 WPS services such as GDAL for example.
     10Compile ZOO-Project from source
    1913.. warning::
    20     FastCGI, libxml, Python and cURL are mandatory
    22 Install ZOO4W
    23 ..........................................
    25 Once OSGeo4W installed on your platform, you will need more GNU tools and libraries. `This package <http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/tool-win32.zip>`__  contains full dependencies required to compile on a WIN32 platform and this one contains `full runtime dependencies <http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/zoo-runtime.zip>`__ . Place it to your ``C:\OSGeo4W\bin``.
    27 Download the `binary version <http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/zoo_loader.cgi>`__  of ZOO Kernel for WIN32, then place it in the ``C:\OSGeo4W\bin`` directory. Don't forget to place the *main.cfg* file in the same directory, you can use a modified copy of  `this file <http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/zoo-kernel/main.cfg>`__.
    29 Additionaly, the binary version of the OGR Services Provider available from `here <http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/zoo-services-win32.zip>`__ can be used directly. Place the two libraries with their respective .zcfg files in your local ``C:\OSGeo4W\bin`` directory to do so.
    31 Compile ZOO from source
    32 ---------------------
    34 .. warning::
    35    Ensure to first perform the :ref:`prerequisite steps <kernel-installation-prereq>` before compiling the ZOO Kernel.
    37 The following steps are for use with the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler (and tested with MSVC 2008).
    39 1. Make sure the gnuwin32 tools *bison.exe*  and *flex.exe* are found in your path.  You can download the GNUwin32 tools `here <http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/tool-win32.zip>`__.
    41 2. Modify the *nmake.opt* file to point to your local libraries.  You can find a modified nmake.opt that points to local libs `here <http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/attachment/ticket/27/nmake.opt>`__.
    42    You can also find a modified ``zoo-project\zoo-kernel\makefile.vc`` file `here <http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/attachment/ticket/27/makefile.vc>`__.
     14   Ensure to first perform the :ref:`prerequisite steps
     15   <install-prereq>` before compiling the ZOO Kernel.
     17The following steps are for use with the Microsoft Visual Studio
     18compiler (and tested with MSVC 2010).
     201. Make sure the gnuwin32 tools ``bison.exe``  and ``flex.exe`` are found
     21   in your path.  You can download the GNUwin32 tools `here
     22   <http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/tool-win32.zip>`__.
     242. Modify the ``nmake.opt`` file to point to your local libraries. Note
     25   that you can also use definition directly in the command line if
     26   you prefer. See :ref:`win_configure_options` for details about this
     27   options.
    44303. Execute:
    4834     nmake /f makefile.vc
    50 4. A file *zoo_loader.cgi* should be created.  Note that if another file named *zoo_loader.cgi.manifest* is also created, you
    51    will have to run another command:
     364. A file ``zoo_loader.cgi`` and ``libzoo_service.dll`` should be
     37   created.  Note that if another file named
     38   ``zoo_loader.cgi.manifest`` is also created, you will have to run
     39   another command:
    5341   ::
    5543     nmake /f makefile.vc embed-manifest
    57 5. Copy the files *zoo_loader.cgi*  and *main.cfg* into your cgi-bin directory.
    59 6. Using the command prompt, test the zoo-kernel by executing the following command:
     455. Copy the files ``zoo_loader.cgi``, ``libzoo_service.dll``  and
     46   ``main.cfg`` into your cgi-bin directory.
     486. Using the command prompt, test the ZOO-Kernel by executing the
     49   following command:
    6151   ::
    7767     </ows:ExceptionReport>
    79 7. Edit the *main.cfg* file so that it contains values describing your WPS service.  An example of such
    80    a file running on Windows is:
     697. Edit the ``main.cfg`` file so that it contains values describing
     70   your WPS service.  An example of such a file running on Windows is:
    8272   ::
    133123       ...
     126.. _win_configure_options:
     128Build options
     131Various build options can be set in the ``nmake.opt`` file to define
     132the location of the built libraries you want to use to build your
     133ZOO-Kernel. Some are optional and some are required, they are listed
     134below exhaustively:
     136.. contents::
     137    :local:
     138    :depth: 1
     139    :backlinks: top
     142gettext (Required)
     145The location of the libintl (built when building gettext) should be
     146specified by defining the ``INTL_DIR`` environment variable. It
     147supposes that the header and the ``intl.lib`` file are available.
     149So for instance, in case you build the gettext in
     150``\buildkit\srcs\gettext-0.14.6``, you may define the following before
     151running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     153.. code::
     155    set INTL_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\gettext-0.14.6\gettext-runtime\intl
     158libCURL (Required)
     161The location of the libCURL should be specified by defining
     162the ``CURL_DIR`` environment variable. It supposes that there are 2
     163sub-directory ``include`` containing the libCURL header and ``lib``
     164which contains the ``libcurl.lib`` file.
     166So for instance, in case you build the libCURL in
     167``\buildkit\srcs\curl-7.38.0``, you may define the following before
     168running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     170.. code::
     172    set CURL_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\curl-7.38.0\builds\libcurl-vc10-x86-release-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll-ipvs6-sspi
     175libFCGI (Required)
     178The location of the libFCGI should be specified by defining the
     179``FCGI_DIR`` environment variable. It supposes that there are 2
     180sub-directory ``include`` containing the FastCGI header and
     181``libfcgi/Release`` which contains the ``libfcgi.lib`` file.
     183So for instance, in case you build the libXML2 library in
     184``\buildkit\srcs\fcgi-2.4.1``, you may define the following before
     185running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     187.. code::
     189    set FCGI_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\fcgi-2.41.1
     191libXML2 (Required)
     194The location of the libXML2 should be specified by defining the
     195``XML2_DIR`` environment variable. It supposes that there are 2
     196sub-directory ``include`` containing the libXML2 header and
     197``win32\bin.msvc`` which contains the ``libxml2.lib`` file.
     199So for instance, in case you build the libXML2 library in
     200``\buildkit\srcs\libxml2-2.9.0``, you may define the following before
     201running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     203.. code::
     205    set XML2_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\libxml2-2.9.0
     207OpenSSL (Required)
     210The location of the OpenSSL library should be specified by defining
     211the ``SSL_DIR`` environment variable. It supposes that there are 2
     212sub-directory ``inc32`` containing the header files and
     213``out32dll`` which contains the ``ssleay32.lib`` file.
     215So for instance, in case you build the libXML2 library in
     216``\buildkit\srcs\openssl-1.0.2c``, you may define the following before
     217running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     219.. code::
     221    set SSL_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\openssl-1.0.2c
     223GDAL (Required)
     226The location of the GDAL library should be specified by defining
     227the ``GDAL_DIR`` environment variable. It corresponds to the path
     228where you uncompress and built GDAL, it supposes that you have the
     229``gdal_i.lib`` file available in this directory.
     231So for instance, in case you build the libXML2 library in
     232``\buildkit\srcs\gdal-1.10.1``, you may define the following before
     233running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     235.. code::
     237    set GDAL_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\gdal-1.10.1
     239MapServer (Optional)
     242The location of the MapServer library path should be specified by
     243defining the ``MS_DIR`` environment variable. It corresponds to the
     244path where you build MapServer on your system, this directory should
     245contain the ``nmake.opt`` file used.
     247So for instance, in case you build Python in
     248``\buildkit\srcs\mapserver-6.2.0``, you may define the following before
     249running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     251.. code::
     253    set MS_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\mapserver-6.2.0
     256Python (Optional)
     259The location of the Python binaries path should be specified by
     260defining the ``PY_DIR`` environment variable. It corresponds to the
     261path where you build Python on your system. The location of the
     262``pythonXX.lib`` files should be specified by setting the
     263``PY_LIBRARY`` environment variable.
     265So for instance, in case you build Python in
     266``\buildkit\srcs\Python-2.7``, you may define the following before
     267running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     269.. code::
     271    set PY_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\Python-2.7
     272    set PY_LIBRARY=\buildkit\srcs\Python-2.7\PCBuild\python27.lib
     274JavaScript (Optional)
     277The location of libmozjs should be specified by defining the
     278``JS_DIR`` environment variable. It corresponds to the path where you
     279build libmozjs on your system, it supposes that the header and
     280the ``mozjs185-1.0.lib`` file are available in this directory.
     282So for instance, in case you build libmozjs in
     283``\buildkit\srcs\js-1.8.5``, you may define the following before
     284running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     286.. code::
     288    set JS_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\js-1.8.5
     290PHP (Optional)
     293The location of PHP should be specified by defining the ``PHP_DIR``
     294environment variable. It corresponds to the path where you build PHP
     295on your system. The location of the ``php5embed.lib`` files should be
     296specified by setting the ``PHP_LIB`` environment variable.
     298So for instance, in case you build PHP in
     299``\buildkit\srcs\php-5.5.10``, you may define the following before
     300running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     302.. code::
     304    set PHP_DIR=\buildkit\srcs\php-5.5.10
     305    set PHP_LIB=\buildkit\srcs\php-5.5.10\Release_TS\php5embed.lib
     307Database backend (Optional)
     310ZOO-Kernel can use a database backend to store ongoing status
     311informations of running services, for activating this operation mode,
     312you should define the evironment variable ``DB`` and set it to any
     313value. So, to activate this option, you may use the following before
     314running ``nmake /f makefile.vc``:
     316.. code::
     318    set DB=activated
     320.. note::
     321    To learn how to setup the corresponding database, please refer to
     322    :ref:`this section <zoo_create_db_backend>`.
    135327Optionally Compile Individual Services
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.


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