Changeset 781 for trunk

Jun 27, 2016, 8:58:38 AM (9 years ago)

Fix issue #140

25 edited


  • trunk/thirds/cgic206/cgic.html

    r348 r781  
    16311631cgiHeaderLocation() should be called if the programmer wishes to
    1632 redirect the user to a different URL. No futher output
     1632redirect the user to a different URL. No further output
    16331633is needed in this case.
  • trunk/thirds/dirent-win32/dirent.h

    r476 r781  
    287287      }
    288288      if (FindNextFileA (dirp->search_handle, &dirp->find_data) == FALSE) {
    289          /* the very last entry has been processed or an error occured */
     289         /* the very last entry has been processed or an error occurred */
    290290         FindClose (dirp->search_handle);
    291291         dirp->search_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
  • trunk/zoo-project/HISTORY.txt

    r766 r781  
    1818  * Add utils/registry service
    1919  * Initial support for WPS 2.0.0 including the Dismiss extension
    20   * Fix concurrency access to status informations
    21   * Use simple file rather than shared memory for storing status informations
    22   * Add support for db backend to store status informations
     20  * Fix concurrency access to status information
     21  * Use simple file rather than shared memory for storing status information
     22  * Add support for db backend to store status information
    2323  * Add the lib_zoo_service shared library to be linked against C services
    2424  * Add ZOO-API for the PHP language (with documentation)
    138138  * add !BoundingBoxData support
    139139  * Python support is now optional as other languages
    140   * add lenv section before running the service to store informations runtime specific
    141   * add COOKIE support and {{{senv}}} section to store informations session specific
     140  * add lenv section before running the service to store information runtime specific
     141  * add COOKIE support and {{{senv}}} section to store information session specific
    142142  * add {{{USE_GDB}}} compilation flag to remove signal handling for debuging purpose
    143143  * enhance base64 support when included in and XML POST request
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-client/lib/js/wps-client/wps-payload.js

    r719 r781  
    3333     * In the ZOO-Client API, the Hogan.js templates have to be compiled before
    3434     * you can use them from you application. Please refer to the ZOO-Client
    35      * installation documentation for more informations.
     35     * installation documentation for more information.
    3636     *
    3737     * @module wpsPayload
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/caching.c

    r738 r781  
    3838 * @param url the char*
    3939 * @return a char* representing the md5 of the url
    40  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function
     40 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function
    4141 */
    4242char* getMd5(char* url){
    124124 * @param request the url
    125125 * @return the full name of the cached file if any, NULL in other case
    126  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function (if not NULL)
     126 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function (if not NULL)
    127127 */
    128128char* isInCache(maps* conf,char* request){
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/locale/po/fr_FR.po

    r751 r781  
    124124"background task. Please access the URL in the statusLocation attribute "
    125125"provided in this document to get the up-to-date status and results."
    126 msgstr "Le service \"%s\" a été accepté par le ZOO-Kernel et est en cours d'exécution en tâche de fond. Merci d'utiliser le lien URL fournis dans l'attribut statusLocation de la racine de ce document pour obtenir des informations sur l'état d'éxcution du service."
     126msgstr "Le service \"%s\" a été accepté par le ZOO-Kernel et est en cours d'exécution en tâche de fond. Merci d'utiliser le lien URL fournis dans l'attribut statusLocation de la racine de ce document pour obtenir des information sur l'état d'éxcution du service."
    128128#: response_print.c:1661
    243243msgid ""
    244244"%s \n"
    245 " Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any futher informations."
     245" Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any further information."
    246246msgstr "%s\nImpossible de charger votre service python correctement. Aucune information supplémentaire."
    253253#: zoo_service_loader.c:527
    254254#, c-format
    255 msgid "Error occured while running the %s function: %s"
     255msgid "Error occurred while running the %s function: %s"
    256256msgstr "Une erreur est survenue pendant l'execution de la %s fonction: %s"
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/locale/po/it_IT.po

    r744 r781  
    242242msgid ""
    243243"%s \n"
    244 " Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any futher informations."
     244" Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any further information."
    245245msgstr "%s\nImpossibile eseguire il processo di Python correttamente. Impossibile fornire ulteriori informazioni."
    252252#: zoo_service_loader.c:527
    253253#, c-format
    254 msgid "Error occured while running the %s function: %s"
     254msgid "Error occurred while running the %s function: %s"
    255255msgstr "Un errore è avvenuto mentre si stava eseguendo la funzione %s: %s"
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/locale/po/ja_JP.po

    r759 r781  
    243243msgid ""
    244244"%s \n"
    245 " Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any futher informations."
     245" Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any further information."
    246246msgstr "%s\nユーザーPythonプロセスを正しく実行できません。より詳しい情報は提供されていません。"
    253253#: zoo_service_loader.c:527
    254254#, c-format
    255 msgid "Error occured while running the %s function: %s"
     255msgid "Error occurred while running the %s function: %s"
    256256msgstr "%s ファンクションを実行中にエラーが発生しました : %s"
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/locale/po/messages.po

    r725 r781  
    266266msgid ""
    267267"%s \n"
    268 " Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any futher "
    269 "informations."
     268" Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any further "
    270270msgstr ""
    271271"%s \n"
    272 " Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any futher "
    273 "informations."
     272" Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any further "
    275275#: zoo_service_loader.c:352
    280280#: zoo_service_loader.c:527
    281281#, c-format
    282 msgid "Error occured while running the %s function: %s"
    283 msgstr "Error occured while running the %s function: %s"
     282msgid "Error occurred while running the %s function: %s"
     283msgstr "Error occurred while running the %s function: %s"
    285285#: zoo_service_loader.c:578
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/main_conf_read.y

    r621 r781  
    133  * Print on stderr the message and the line number of the error which occured.
     133 * Print on stderr the message and the line number of the error which occurred.
    134134 *
    135135 * @param s the error message
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/request_parser.c

    r756 r781  
    324324                        {
    325325                          free(cursor_input);
    326                           return errorException (*main_conf, "Unable to fetch any ressource", "InternalError", NULL);
     326                          return errorException (*main_conf, "Unable to fetch any resource", "InternalError", NULL);
    327327                        }
    328328                      }
    1321  * Parse XML request and store informations in maps.
     1321 * Parse XML request and store information in maps.
    13221322 *
    13231323 * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings
    1428  * Parse request and store informations in maps.
     1428 * Parse request and store information in maps.
    14291429 *
    14301430 * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/response_print.c

    r756 r781  
    8989 * Print the HTTP headers based on a map.
    9090 *
    91  * @param m the map containing the headers informations
     91 * @param m the map containing the headers information
    9292 */
    9393void printHeaders(maps* m){
    891  * Generate the required XML tree for the detailled metadata informations of
     891 * Generate the required XML tree for the detailled metadata information of
    892892 * inputs or outputs
    893893 *
    894894 * @param in 1 in case of inputs, 0 for outputs
    895  * @param elem the elements structure containing the metadata informations
     895 * @param elem the elements structure containing the metadata information
    896896 * @param type the name ("Input" or "Output") of the XML node to create
    897897 * @param ns_ows the ows XML namespace
    2131  * Create XML node with basic ows metadata informations (Identifier,Title,Abstract)
     2131 * Create XML node with basic ows metadata information (Identifier,Title,Abstract)
    21322132 *
    21332133 * @param root the root XML node to add the description
    21342134 * @param ns_ows the ows XML namespace
    21352135 * @param identifier the identifier to use
    2136  * @param amap the map containing the ows metadata informations
     2136 * @param amap the map containing the ows metadata information
    21372137 */
    21382138void printDescription(xmlNodePtr root,xmlNsPtr ns_ows,const char* identifier,map* amap,int vid=0){
    23322332 * Generate the output response (RawDataOutput or ResponseDocument)
    23332333 *
    2334  * @param s the service structure containing the metadata informations
     2334 * @param s the service structure containing the metadata information
    23352335 * @param request_inputs the inputs provided to the service for execution
    23362336 * @param request_outputs the outputs updated by the service execution
    26712671 * Exemple : 189000,834000,285000,962000,urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84
    26722672 *
    2673  * A map to store boundingbox informations should contain:
     2673 * A map to store boundingbox information should contain:
    26742674 *  - lowerCorner : double,double (minimum within this bounding box)
    26752675 *  - upperCorner : double,double (maximum within this bounding box)
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/server_internal.c

    r756 r781  
    5656 *
    5757 * @return a new char* containing the UUID, make sure to free the returned
    58  *  ressource once used.
     58 *  resource once used.
    5959 */
    6060char *get_uuid(){
    365365  size_t ret=fwrite(val,sizeof(char),length,of);
    366366  if(ret<length){
    367     fprintf(stderr,"Write error occured!\n");
     367    fprintf(stderr,"Write error occurred!\n");
    368368    fclose(of);
    369369    return -1;
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/service.h

    r767 r781  
    205205   * Not named linked list
    206206   *
    207    * Used to store informations about formats, such as mimeType, encoding ...
     207   * Used to store information about formats, such as mimeType, encoding ...
    208208   */
    209209  typedef struct iotype{
    215215   * Metadata information about input or output.
    216216   *
    217    * The elements are used to store metadata informations defined in the ZCFG.
     217   * The elements are used to store metadata information defined in the ZCFG.
    218218   */
    219219  typedef struct elements{
    230230  /**
    231    * Metadata informations about a full Service.
     231   * Metadata information about a full Service.
    232232   */
    233233  typedef struct service{
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/service_conf.y

    r676 r781  
    113  : miscetoile PIERROR {  srerror("processing instruction begining with <?xml ?> impossible\n");}
     113 : miscetoile PIERROR {  srerror("processing instruction beginning with <?xml ?> impossible\n");}
    114114 | miscetoile PI {}
    115115 | {}
    755  * Print on stderr the message and the line number of the error which occured.
     755 * Print on stderr the message and the line number of the error which occurred.
    756756 *
    757757 * @param s the error message
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/service_internal.c

    r738 r781  
    683683 * @param conf the maps containing the settings of the main.cfg file
    684684 * @param dataSource the datasource name to read
    685  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function
     685 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function
    686686 */
    687687char *readVSIFile(maps* conf,const char* dataSource){
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/service_internal_java.c

    r776 r781  
    308308  FILE* new_stdout=fopen(tmps,"wb+");
    309309  if(new_stdout==NULL){
    310     map* err=createMap("text","Unable to run your service, no debug informations can be provided (please verify privileges on tmpPath)");
     310    map* err=createMap("text","Unable to run your service, no debug information can be provided (please verify privileges on tmpPath)");
    311311    addToMap(err,"code","InternalError");
    312312    printExceptionReportResponse(main_conf,err);
    395395 * @param scHashMap_constructor the pointer to the hashMap constructor method
    396396 * @return a created JAVA HashMap containing the converted maps
    397  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function
     397 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function
    398398 */
    399399jobject HashMap_FromMaps(JNIEnv *env,maps* t,jclass scHashMapClass,jclass scHashMap_class,jmethodID scHashMap_constructor){
    539539 * @param scHashMapClass the hashMap class
    540540 * @return a created maps containing the converted HashMap
    541  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function
     541 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function
    542542 */
    543543maps* mapsFromHashMap(JNIEnv *env,jobject t,jclass scHashMapClass){
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/service_internal_js.c

    r752 r781  
    386386 * @param global the global JavaScript object (not used)
    387387 * @param filename the file name to load
    388  * @return a JavaScript Object on success, NULL if an errro occured
     388 * @return a JavaScript Object on success, NULL if an errro occurred
    389389 */
    390390JSObject * loadZooApiFile(JSContext *cx,JSObject  *global, char* filename){
    776776 * @param arg the JavaScript value
    777777 * @return a new char*
    778  * @warning be sure to free the ressources returned by this function
     778 * @warning be sure to free the resources returned by this function
    779779 */
    780780char* JSValToChar(JSContext* context, jsval* arg) {
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/service_internal_ms.c

    r776 r781  
    834834   * processing directive
    835835   */
    836   char nBands[2];
     836  char nBands[3];
    837837  int nBandsI=GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset );
    838838  sprintf(nBands,"%d",GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset ));
    848848   * Name available Bands
    849849   */
    850   char lBands[6];
     850  char lBands[7];
    851851  char *nameBands=NULL;
    852852  for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandsI; iBand++ ){
    868868  /**
    869    * Loops over metadata informations to setup specific informations
     869   * Loops over metadata information to setup specific information
    870870   */
    871871  for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandsI; iBand++ ){
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/service_internal_python.c

    r738 r781  
    359359        free(pbt);
    360360      pbt=(char*)malloc((90+strlen(tpbt)+strlen(PyString_AsString(trace))+1)*sizeof(char));     
    361       sprintf(pbt,_("%s \n Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any futher informations."),tpbt);
     361      sprintf(pbt,_("%s \n Unable to run your python process properly. Unable to provide any further information."),tpbt);
    362362    }
    363363    free(tpbt);
    379379 * @return a new PyDictObject containing the converted maps
    380380 * @see PyDict_FromMap
    381  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function
     381 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function
    382382 */
    383383PyDictObject* PyDict_FromMaps(maps* t){
    402402 * @param t the map to convert
    403403 * @return a new PyDictObject containing the converted maps
    404  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function
     404 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function
    405405 */
    406406PyDictObject* PyDict_FromMap(map* t){
    519519 * @param t the PyDictObject to convert
    520520 * @return a new maps containing the converted PyDictObject
    521  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function
     521 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function
    522522 */
    523523maps* mapsFromPyDict(PyDictObject* t){
    606606 * @param t the PyDictObject to convert
    607607 * @return a new map containing the converted PyDictObject
    608  * @warning make sure to free ressources returned by this function
     608 * @warning make sure to free resources returned by this function
    609609 */
    610610map* mapFromPyDict(PyDictObject* t){
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/service_yaml.c

    r745 r781  
    4343 * @param service the service structure to fill
    4444 * @param name the service name
    45  * @return 1 on success, -1 if error occured
     45 * @return 1 on success, -1 if error occurred
    4646 */
    4747int getServiceFromYAML(maps* conf, char* file,service** service,char *name){
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/sql/schema.sql

    r654 r781  
    3636-- Services table
    37 -- Used to store informations about services running asynchronously
     37-- Used to store information about services running asynchronously
    3838create table services (
    3939       osid TEXT unique,
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/ulinet.c

    r621 r781  
    220  * Close a HINTERNET connection and free allocated ressources
     220 * Close a HINTERNET connection and free allocated resources
    221221 *
    222222 * @param handle0 the HINTERNET connection to close
    446  * Use basic authentication for accessing a ressource
     446 * Use basic authentication for accessing a resource
    447447 *
    448448 * @param hInternet the _HINTERNET structure
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-kernel/zoo_service_loader.c

    r773 r781  
    558558                  sprintf (tmpMsg,
    559559                           _
    560                            ("Error occured while running the %s function: %s"),
     560                           ("Error occurred while running the %s function: %s"),
    561561                           r_inputs->value, errstr);
    562562                  errorException (m, tmpMsg, "InternalError", NULL);
  • trunk/zoo-project/zoo-services/gdal/ndvi/cgi-env/

    r468 r781  
    4040                               dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize,1, \
    4141                               gdal.GDT_Float32)
    42     # Set spatial informations of the new image.
     42    # Set spatial information of the new image.
    4343    if geoTransform:
    4444        newDataset.SetGeoTransform(geoTransform)
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.


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