Changeset 832 for branches/ms-style/zoo-project/zoo-kernel
- Timestamp:
- Jun 9, 2017, 12:32:35 PM (8 years ago)
- File:
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r830 r832 115 115 116 116 /** 117 * List of allowed raster styles 117 * List of allowed raster styles and sub-styles 118 118 */ 119 119 enum MS_RASTER_STYLES{ 120 120 LINEAR_STRETCHING, 121 C OLOR_PALETTE121 CLASSIFY 122 122 }; 123 123 enum LINEAR_STRETCHING_TYPE{ … … 125 125 MEANSTD 126 126 }; 127 enum CLASSES_TYPE{ 128 AUTO, 129 USER 130 }; 131 132 /* 133 * Functions producing the 'jet' colormap 134 */ 135 double interpolate( double val, double y0, double x0, double y1, double x1 ) { 136 return (val-x0)*(y1-y0)/(x1-x0) + y0; 137 } 138 139 double base( double val ) { 140 if ( val <= 0.25 ) return 0; 141 else if ( val <= 0.75 ) return interpolate( val, 0.0, 0.25, 1.0, 0.75 ); 142 else if ( val <= 1.25 ) return 1.0; 143 else if ( val <= 1.75 ) return interpolate( val, 1.0, 1.25, 0.0, 1.75 ); 144 else return 0.0; 145 } 127 146 128 147 /** … … 764 783 if(initStyle(myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]) == -1) 765 784 return -1; 785 766 786 /** 767 787 * Apply msStyle else fallback to the default style … … 824 844 825 845 /* msRasterResample (NEAREST/AVERAGE/BILINEAR) */ 826 const char * msRasterResampling Type= "msRasterResample";827 /* msRasterStyle (linearStretching/c olorPalette) */846 const char * msRasterResamplingPropertyName = "msRasterResample"; 847 /* msRasterStyle (linearStretching/classify) */ 828 848 const char * msRasterStylePropertyName = "msRasterStyle"; 829 849 const char * msRasterStyleLinearStretchingPropertyValue = "linearStretching"; 830 const char * msRasterStyleColorPalettePropertyValue = "colorPalette"; 831 /* msRasterStyleOptions (minMax/meanstd) */ 850 const char * msRasterStyleColorPalettePropertyValue = "classify"; 832 851 const char * msRasterStyleOptionsPropertyName = "msRasterStyleOptions"; 852 /* options for linear stretching */ 833 853 const char * msRasterStyleLinearStretchingMinMaxPropertyName = "minMax"; 834 854 const char * msRasterStyleLinearStretchingMeanStdPropertyName = "meanStd"; 855 856 const unsigned int msRasterStyleClassifyAutoMaximumNumberOfClasses = 256; 835 857 836 858 // Default raster style 837 859 int defaultStyleType = LINEAR_STRETCHING; 838 860 int defaultLinearstretchingType = MEANSTD; 861 int defaultClassifyType = AUTO; 839 862 840 863 // Check if there is a defined raster style type 841 864 int styleType = defaultStyleType; 842 865 int linearStretchingType = defaultLinearstretchingType; 866 int classifyType = defaultClassifyType; 843 867 map* msRasterStyle=getMap(output->content, msRasterStylePropertyName); 844 868 char * msRasterStyleOptionsContent = ""; 869 char * msRasterStyleFileContent = ""; 845 870 if(msRasterStyle!=NULL) 846 871 { 872 #ifdef DEBUGMS 873 fprintf(stderr,"msRasterStyle=%s\n", msRasterStyle->value); 874 #endif 847 875 // Check if there is options attached 848 876 map* msRasterStyleOptions=getMap(output->content, msRasterStyleOptionsPropertyName); … … 850 878 { 851 879 msRasterStyleOptionsContent = msRasterStyleOptions->value; 852 } 853 854 // Detect the raster style 855 #ifdef DEBUGMS 856 fprintf(stderr,"Detect the raster style %s\n", msRasterStyle->value);857 #endif 880 #ifdef DEBUGMS 881 fprintf(stderr,"msRasterStyleOptions=%s\n", msRasterStyleOptionsContent); 882 #endif 883 884 } 885 858 886 if (strncasecmp(msRasterStyle->value, msRasterStyleLinearStretchingPropertyValue, 859 887 strlen(msRasterStyleLinearStretchingPropertyValue))==0) … … 863 891 #endif 864 892 styleType = LINEAR_STRETCHING; 893 865 894 if (strlen(msRasterStyleOptionsContent)>0) 866 895 { … … 870 899 linearStretchingType = MINMAX; 871 900 #ifdef DEBUGMS 872 fprintf(stderr,"The raster style linear stretching is minmax\n");901 fprintf(stderr,"The raster style linear stretching option is minmax\n"); 873 902 #endif 874 903 } … … 878 907 linearStretchingType = MEANSTD; 879 908 #ifdef DEBUGMS 880 fprintf(stderr,"The raster style linear stretching is meanstd\n");909 fprintf(stderr,"The raster style linear stretching option is meanstd\n"); 881 910 #endif 882 911 } … … 885 914 fprintf(stderr,"Unknown raster style linear stretching method: %s\n", msRasterStyleOptionsContent); 886 915 } 887 } 916 } // raster style options (for linear stretching) are not empty 888 917 else 889 918 { 890 fprintf(stderr," Using default linear stretching type.");919 fprintf(stderr,"Raster style options for linear stretching are empty. Using default.\n"); 891 920 } 892 } 921 } // raster style is linear stretching 922 893 923 else if (strncasecmp(msRasterStyle->value, msRasterStyleColorPalettePropertyValue, 894 924 strlen(msRasterStyleColorPalettePropertyValue))==0) 895 925 { 896 926 #ifdef DEBUGMS 897 fprintf(stderr,"The raster style is color palette\n"); 898 #endif 899 styleType = COLOR_PALETTE; 900 } 927 fprintf(stderr,"The raster style is classify\n"); 928 #endif 929 styleType = CLASSIFY; 930 if (strlen(msRasterStyleOptionsContent)==0) 931 { 932 classifyType = AUTO; 933 #ifdef DEBUGMS 934 fprintf(stderr,"The raster style classes is set to auto\n"); 935 #endif 936 } // raster style is classify, with automatic styling 937 else 938 { 939 classifyType = USER; 940 #ifdef DEBUGMS 941 fprintf(stderr,"The raster style classes is user defined: %s\n", msRasterStyleOptionsContent); 942 #endif 943 } 944 } // raster style is classes 945 901 946 else 902 947 { 903 948 fprintf(stderr,"Unknown raster style: %s. Using default.", msRasterStyle->value); 904 949 } 905 } 906 907 #ifdef DEBUGMS 908 fprintf(stderr,"RasterStyle=%i Options=%s\n",styleType,msRasterStyleOptionsContent); 950 951 } // raster style is not null 952 953 /* 954 * This is just for the backward compatibility and will be deprecated 955 */ 956 { 957 map* test=getMap(output->content,"msClassify"); 958 if(test!=NULL && strncasecmp(test->value,"true",4)==0) 959 { 960 styleType = CLASSIFY; 961 classifyType = AUTO; 962 } 963 } 964 965 #ifdef DEBUGMS 966 fprintf(stderr,"Styling options:\n\tRasterStyle=%i\n\tLinearStretching options=%i\n\tClassify options=%i\n", 967 styleType,linearStretchingType, classifyType); 909 968 #endif 910 969 … … 1064 1123 double std = 0.0; 1065 1124 GDALComputeRasterStatistics (hBand, 1, &min, &max, &mean, &std, NULL, NULL); 1066 1125 #ifdef DEBUGMS 1126 fprintf(stderr,"Computed raster stats for band %i: min=%.3f max=%.3f mean=%.3f std=%.3f\n", 1127 iBand, min, max, mean, std); 1128 #endif 1067 1129 char bandIdentifier[21]; 1068 1130 sprintf(bandIdentifier,"Band%d",iBand+1); … … 1079 1141 { 1080 1142 1081 char msProcessing Instruction[1024];1082 double low = mean - 2*std;1083 double hi = mean + 2*std;1143 char msProcessingDirective[1024]; 1144 double low = 0.0; 1145 double hi = 1.0; 1084 1146 1085 1147 char s1[MAX_NUMBER_STRING_SIZE]; … … 1089 1151 if(linearStretchingType==MINMAX) 1090 1152 { 1091 sprintf(msProcessingInstruction, "SCALE_%d=%s,%s", 1092 bn, 1093 dtoa(s1,min), 1094 dtoa(s2,max)); 1153 low = min; 1154 hi = max; 1095 1155 } 1096 1156 else if (linearStretchingType==MEANSTD) 1097 1157 { 1098 sprintf(msProcessingInstruction, "SCALE_%d=%s,%s", 1099 bn, 1100 dtoa(s1,low), 1101 dtoa(s2,hi)); 1158 low = mean - 2*std; 1159 hi = mean + 2*std; 1102 1160 } 1103 1104 msLayerAddProcessing(myLayer,msProcessingInstruction); 1161 #ifdef DEBUGMS 1162 fprintf(stderr,"Processing the raster using a stretch btw %.3f and %.3f\n", low, hi); 1163 #endif 1164 sprintf(msProcessingDirective, "SCALE_%d=%s,%s", bn, dtoa(s1,low), dtoa(s2,hi)); 1165 msLayerAddProcessing(myLayer,msProcessingDirective); 1105 1166 1106 1167 } // styleType is LINEAR_STRETCHING 1107 else if( styleType == C OLOR_PALETTE)1168 else if( styleType == CLASSIFY ) 1108 1169 { 1109 /** 1110 * Classify one band raster pixel value using regular interval 1111 * TODO: parse msRasterStyleOptionsContent to retrieve the colormap 1112 */ 1113 int discreteColorMap[10][3]={ 1114 {102,153,204}, 1115 {51,102,153}, 1116 {102,102,204}, 1117 {51,204,0}, 1118 {153,255,102}, 1119 {204,255,102}, 1120 {102,204,153}, 1121 {255,69,64}, 1122 {255,192,115}, 1123 {255,201,115} 1124 }; 1125 1126 if(nBandsI==1) 1170 if(iBand==0) 1127 1171 { 1128 double delta = max - min; 1129 double interval = delta / 10; 1130 double cstep = min; 1131 for(i=0; i<10; i++) 1172 if (classifyType == USER) 1132 1173 { 1133 /** 1134 * Create a new class 1135 */ 1136 if(msGrowLayerClasses(myLayer) == NULL) 1137 return -1; 1138 if(initClass((myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses])) == -1) 1139 return -1; 1140 if(msGrowClassStyles(myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]) == NULL) 1141 return -1; 1142 if(initStyle(myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]) == -1) 1143 return -1; 1144 1145 /** 1146 * Set class name 1147 */ 1148 char className[7]; 1149 sprintf(className,"class%d",i); 1150 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->name=zStrdup(className); 1151 1152 /** 1153 * Set expression 1154 */ 1155 char expression[1024]; 1156 if(i+1<10) 1157 sprintf(expression,"([pixel]>=%.3f AND [pixel]<%.3f)",cstep,cstep+interval); 1174 #ifdef DEBUGMS 1175 fprintf(stderr,"Processing the raster using the style given in %s\n",msRasterStyleOptionsContent); 1176 #endif 1177 1178 // Read the mapfile 1179 FILE *externalMapfile; 1180 externalMapfile = fopen(msRasterStyleOptionsContent, "rb"); 1181 if (externalMapfile != NULL) 1182 { 1183 long lSize; 1184 char *buffer; 1185 1186 fseek( externalMapfile , 0L , SEEK_END); 1187 lSize = ftell( externalMapfile ); 1188 rewind( externalMapfile ); 1189 1190 /* allocate memory for entire content */ 1191 buffer = calloc( 1, lSize+1 ); 1192 if( !buffer ) 1193 { 1194 fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate buffer for file %s. Switching to default classes style.\n",msRasterStyleOptionsContent); 1195 classifyType = defaultClassifyType; 1196 } 1197 else 1198 { 1199 1200 /* copy the file into the buffer */ 1201 if( 1!=fread( buffer , lSize, 1 , externalMapfile) ) 1202 { 1203 fclose(externalMapfile); 1204 free(buffer); 1205 fprintf(stderr,"Unable to read entire file %s. Switching to default classes style.\n",msRasterStyleOptionsContent); 1206 classifyType = defaultClassifyType; 1207 } 1208 else 1209 { 1210 1211 /* do your work here, buffer is a string contains the whole text */ 1212 1213 fclose(externalMapfile); 1214 msUpdateLayerFromString(myLayer, buffer, 0); 1215 free(buffer); 1216 } // can read entire file 1217 } // can allocate buffer 1218 } // file exist 1158 1219 else 1159 sprintf(expression,"([pixel]>=%.3f AND [pixel]<=%.3f)",cstep,cstep+interval); 1160 msLoadExpressionString(&myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->expression,expression); 1161 1162 /** 1163 * Set color 1164 */ 1165 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]->[i][0]; 1166 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]->[i][1]; 1167 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]->[i][2]; 1168 cstep+=interval; 1169 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles++; 1170 myLayer->numclasses++; 1171 1172 } 1173 1174 char tmpMm[100]; 1175 sprintf(tmpMm,"%.3f %.3f",min,max); 1176 1177 } 1178 } // styleType is COLOR_PALETTE 1220 { 1221 fprintf(stderr,"Unable to read file %s. Switching to default classes style.\n",msRasterStyleOptionsContent); 1222 classifyType = defaultClassifyType; 1223 } // file doesn't exist 1224 1225 } // classify type is USER 1226 1227 if (classifyType == AUTO) 1228 { 1229 // The number of classes is min(delta, maxNbOfClasses) 1230 double delta = max - min; 1231 double step = 1.0; 1232 double lowBound = 1.0 * min; 1233 unsigned int numberOfClasses = msRasterStyleClassifyAutoMaximumNumberOfClasses; 1234 if (delta < msRasterStyleClassifyAutoMaximumNumberOfClasses) 1235 { 1236 numberOfClasses = (unsigned int) delta + 1; 1237 } 1238 else 1239 { 1240 step = delta / (1.0 * msRasterStyleClassifyAutoMaximumNumberOfClasses); 1241 } 1242 #ifdef DEBUGMS 1243 fprintf(stderr,"Processing the raster using %d classes with values from %.3f with a step of %.3f\n",numberOfClasses, lowBound, step); 1244 #endif 1245 1246 for(i=0; i<numberOfClasses; i++) 1247 { 1248 /** 1249 * Create a new class 1250 */ 1251 if(msGrowLayerClasses(myLayer) == NULL) 1252 return -1; 1253 if(initClass((myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses])) == -1) 1254 return -1; 1255 if(msGrowClassStyles(myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]) == NULL) 1256 return -1; 1257 if(initStyle(myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]) == -1) 1258 return -1; 1259 1260 /** 1261 * Set class name 1262 */ 1263 char className[7]; 1264 sprintf(className,"class%d",i); 1265 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->name=zStrdup(className); 1266 1267 /** 1268 * Set expression 1269 */ 1270 char expression[1024]; 1271 if(i+1<numberOfClasses) 1272 sprintf(expression,"([pixel]>=%.3f AND [pixel]<%.3f)",lowBound,lowBound+step); 1273 else 1274 sprintf(expression,"([pixel]>=%.3f AND [pixel]<=%.3f)",lowBound,lowBound+step); 1275 msLoadExpressionString(&myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->expression,expression); 1276 lowBound += step; 1277 1278 /** 1279 * Set color 1280 */ 1281 double g = i / (0.5*numberOfClasses) ; // must be in [-1,1] 1282 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]->*base(g-0.5)); 1283 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]->*base(g)); 1284 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->styles[myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles]->*base(g+0.5)); 1285 myLayer->CLASS[myLayer->numclasses]->numstyles++; 1286 myLayer->numclasses++; 1287 1288 } // next class 1289 1290 } // classify type is AUTO 1291 1292 } // styleType is CLASSIFY 1293 } //iBand is 0 1179 1294 1180 1295 } // If no error with GDAL functions … … 1194 1309 if (hasNoData) 1195 1310 { 1311 #ifdef DEBUGMS 1312 fprintf(stderr,"No data detected (%.3f)\n", noDataValue); 1313 #endif 1196 1314 offsiteR = (int) noDataValue; 1197 1315 offsiteG = (int) noDataValue; … … 1201 1319 myLayer-> = offsiteG; 1202 1320 myLayer-> = offsiteB; 1321 #ifdef DEBUGMS 1322 fprintf(stderr,"Setting OFFSITE to (%d,%d,%d)\n",offsiteR, offsiteG, offsiteB); 1323 #endif 1203 1324 1204 1325 /* … … 1217 1338 * Check if there is resample option 1218 1339 */ 1219 char msResampleOption Instruction[1024];1340 char msResampleOptionDirective[1024]; 1220 1341 char * msRasterResampleOptionContent = "BILINEAR"; 1221 map* msRasterResamplingOption=getMap(output->content, msRasterResampling Type);1342 map* msRasterResamplingOption=getMap(output->content, msRasterResamplingPropertyName); 1222 1343 if (msRasterResamplingOption!=NULL) 1223 1344 { 1224 1345 msRasterResampleOptionContent = msRasterResamplingOption->value; 1225 1346 } 1226 sprintf(msResampleOption Instruction, "RESAMPLE=%s",msRasterResampleOptionContent);1227 msLayerAddProcessing(myLayer, msResampleOption Instruction);1347 sprintf(msResampleOptionDirective, "RESAMPLE=%s",msRasterResampleOptionContent); 1348 msLayerAddProcessing(myLayer, msResampleOptionDirective); 1228 1349 1229 1350 m->layerorder[m->numlayers] = m->numlayers;
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