Go to the documentation of this file.
198 #define ELEMENTS_SIZE (sizeof(char*)+(((2*sizeof(char*))+sizeof(maps*))*3)+sizeof(char*)+((sizeof(map*) + sizeof(iotype*))*2)+(2*sizeof(elements*)))
202 //#define MAP_SIZE (2*sizeof(char*))+sizeof(NULL) // knut: size of NULL pointer may be different from regular pointer (platform dependent)
391 "Operation request does not include a parameter value, and this server did not declare a default value for that parameter.",
394 "The server does not have enough space available to store the inputs and outputs associated with the request.",
397 "Execute operation request included transmission=âreferenceâ for one of the outputs, but storage is not offered by this server.",
398 "Service version for a ComplexData xlink:href input was not supported by the referenced server, and version negotiation failed.",
399 "One of the identifiers passed does not match with any of the processes offered by this server.",
401 "One or more of the input identifiers passed does not match with any of the input identifiers of this process.",
402 "One or more of the output identifiers passed does not match with any of the input identifiers of this process.",
407 "One or more of the input or output formats specified in the request did not match with any of the formats defined for that particular input or output.",
408 "One or more of inputs for which the service was able to retrieve the data but could not read it.",
485 ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void setErrorMessage(maps*& conf, const char* service, WPSException exc, const char* message = NULL);
486 ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void logMessage(const char* source, const char* function, int line, const char* file = NULL, const char* message = NULL);
492 // processing algorithms may be able to write directly to this space, thereby avoiding unneccesary copying of data
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void inheritance(registry *, service **)
Apply inheritance to a service based on a registry.
Definition: service.c:1614
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void freeMaps(maps **mo)
Free allocated memory of a maps.
Definition: service.c:349
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpMapsToFile(maps *, char *, int)
Dump a maps to a file, see _dumpMapsToFile().
Definition: service.c:147
Definition: service.h:356
void logMessage(const char *pccSource, const char *pccFunction, int iLne, const char *pccFile, const char *pccMessage)
Print debug message.
Definition: service.c:1768
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void freeIOType(iotype **)
Free allocated memory of an iotype.
Definition: service.c:411
char * format
the format: LiteralData or ComplexData or BoundingBoxData
Definition: main_conf_read.y:319
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpMap(map *)
Dump a map on stderr, see _dumpMap()
Definition: service.c:73
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT bool hasKey(map *, const char *)
Verify if a key exist in a map.
Definition: service.c:235
Definition: service.h:339
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void addMapToIoType(iotype **, map *)
Add a map to iotype.
Definition: service.c:632
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void setElementsName(elements **, char *)
Set the name of an elements.
Definition: service.c:1090
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT map * getMapArray(map *, const char *, int)
Access a specific map array element.
Definition: service.c:863
Definition: service.h:338
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void inheritElements(elements **, elements *)
Apply inheritance to an out elements from a reference in elements.
Definition: service.c:1582
struct service * content
the content service pointer
Definition: main_conf_read.y:342
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void addToElements(elements **, elements *)
Add an elements to another elements.
Definition: service.c:1301
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void setServiceName(service **, char *)
Set the name of a service.
Definition: service.c:1316
Definition: service.h:360
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT map * getMap(map *, const char *)
Access a specific map.
Definition: service.c:273
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT bool hasvalue(maps *source, const char *node, const char *key, map **kvp)
Verify that a particular map value exists in a maps data structure, and obtain that value...
Definition: service.c:1732
Definition: service.h:334
struct iotype * next
the pointer to the next iotype if any or NULL
Definition: main_conf_read.y:306
Definition: service.h:342
Definition: service.h:340
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT map * getMapFromMaps(maps *, const char *, const char *)
Access a specific map from a maps.
Definition: service.c:310
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpElementsAsYAML(elements *, int)
Dump an elements on stderr using the YAML syntaxe.
Definition: service.c:1149
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT bool contains(map *, map *)
Verify if a map is contained in another map.
Definition: service.c:672
Definition: service.h:351
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT elements * createEmptyElements()
Create an empty elements.
Definition: service.c:1049
snprintf(current_maps->name,(strlen($1)+1),"%s", $1)
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void addMapsToMaps(maps **, maps *)
Add a maps at the end of another maps.
Definition: service.c:823
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT service * getServiceFromRegistry(registry *, char *, char *)
Access a service in the registry.
Definition: service.c:1516
Definition: service.h:353
Definition: service.h:344
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpMapToFile(map *, FILE *)
Dump a map to a file.
Definition: service.c:87
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT map * createMap(const char *, const char *)
Create a new map.
Definition: service.c:173
Definition: service.h:350
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT maps * createMaps(const char *)
Create a new maps with the given name.
Definition: service.c:187
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT elements * getElements(elements *, const char *)
Access a specific elements named key.
Definition: service.c:395
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void addToMap(map *, const char *, const char *)
Add key value pair to an existing map.
Definition: service.c:518
Definition: service.h:361
Definition: service.h:349
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT bool nonempty(map *map)
Verify that a map has a value.
Definition: service.c:1716
Definition: service.h:359
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void mapsToCharXXX(maps *, char ***)
Convert a maps to a char*** (only used for Fortran support)
Definition: service.c:1650
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT service * createService()
Allocate memory for a service.
Definition: service.c:471
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT char * allocateMapValue(map *node, size_t num_bytes)
Definition: service.c:1857
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT bool hasElement(elements *, const char *)
Verify if an elements contains a name equal to the given key.
Definition: service.c:378
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void addMapToMap(map **, map *)
Add a map at the end of another map.
Definition: service.c:602
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT bool addServiceToRegistry(registry **, char *, service *)
Add a service to the registry.
Definition: service.c:1433
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT maps * getMaps(maps *, const char *)
Access a specific maps.
Definition: service.c:255
void setErrorMessage(maps *&pmsaConf, const char *pccService, WPSException weExc, const char *pccMessage)
Definition: service.c:1746
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpService(service *)
Dump a service on stderr.
Definition: service.c:1330
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpMaps(maps *m)
Dump a maps on stderr, see dumpMap().
Definition: service.c:100
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpRegistry(registry *)
Print the registry on stderr.
Definition: service.c:1412
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpElements(elements *)
Dump an elements on stderr.
Definition: service.c:1107
Definition: service.h:352
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void freeRegistry(registry **)
Free memory allocated for the registry.
Definition: service.c:1490
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void loadMapBinary(map **, map *, int)
Load binary values from a map (in) and add them to another map (out)
Definition: service.c:734
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void addIntToMap(map *, const char *, const int)
Add a key and an integer value to an existing map.
Definition: service.c:543
Definition: service.h:355
struct services * content
the content services pointer
Definition: main_conf_read.y:351
Definition: service.h:345
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT elements * dupElements(elements *)
Duplicate an elements.
Definition: service.c:1233
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void charxxxToMaps(char ***, maps **)
Convert a char*** to a maps (only used for Fortran support)
Definition: service.c:1686
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void dumpServiceAsYAML(service *)
Dump a service on stderr using the YAML syntaxe.
Definition: service.c:1360
struct maps * next
the pointer to the next maps if any or NULL
Definition: main_conf_read.y:296
Definition: service.h:341
struct map * additional_parameters
the additional parameters map
Definition: main_conf_read.y:333
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT int addMapsArrayToMaps(maps **, maps *, char *)
Add a Maps containing a MapArray to a Maps.
Definition: service.c:964
Definition: service.h:343
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT map * getMapOrFill(map **, const char *, const char *)
Access a specific map or set its value.
Definition: service.c:651
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT map * addToMapWithSize(map *, const char *, const char *, int)
Add a key and a binary value to an existing map.
Definition: service.c:570
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void inheritMap(map **, map *)
Apply inheritance to an out map from a reference in map.
Definition: service.c:1539
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void freeService(service **)
Free allocated memory of a service.
Definition: service.c:488
struct elements * next
the pointer to the next element if any (or NULL)
Definition: main_conf_read.y:323
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void setMapArray(map *, const char *, int, const char *)
Add a key value in a MapArray for a specific index.
Definition: service.c:890
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void addIntToMapArray(map *, const char *, int, const int)
Add a key and an integer value to an existing map array.
Definition: service.c:928
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT elements * createElements(const char *)
Create a named elements.
Definition: service.c:1069
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT iotype * getIoTypeFromElement(elements *, char *, map *)
Access a specific iotype from an elements.
Definition: service.c:698
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void setMapInMaps(maps *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
Set a key value pair to a map contained in a Maps.
Definition: service.c:1020
Definition: service.h:357
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void inheritIOType(iotype **, iotype *)
Apply inheritance to an out iotype from a reference in iotype.
Definition: service.c:1559
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void loadMapBinaries(map **, map *)
Load binary values from a map (in) and add them to another map (out).
Definition: service.c:769
struct elements * child
the pointer to the children element if any (or NULL)
Definition: main_conf_read.y:322
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT service * dupService(service *)
Duplicate a service.
Definition: service.c:1393
Definition: service.h:354
struct map * additional_parameters
the additional parameters map
Definition: main_conf_read.y:318
struct services * next
the pointer to the next services*
Definition: main_conf_read.y:343
static int zSleep(const long millisecond)
The crossplatform sleep alias.
Definition: service.h:129
ZOO_DLL_EXPORT void freeElements(elements **)
Free allocated memory of an elements.
Definition: service.c:429
Definition: service.h:358
Generated on Wed Feb 5 2025 12:00:16 for ZOO-Project by