Title = Normalized Difference Vegetation Index.
Abstract = Create raster file containing the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index.
Profile = urn:ogc:wps:1.0.0:buffer
processVersion = 2
storeSupported = true
statusSupported = true
serviceProvider = ndvi
serviceType = Python
title = Demo
Title = The raster file to be used
Abstract = URI to a raster file that contains the mentionned two bands.
minOccurs = 1
maxOccurs = 1
mimeType = image/tiff
Title = The red band number
Abstract = The RED band number to use.
minOccurs = 0
maxOccurs = 1
DataType = int
value = 1
Title = The NIR band number
Abstract = The NIR band number to use.
minOccurs = 0
maxOccurs = 1
DataType = int
value = 2
Title = The resulting raster
Abstract = A single band raster containing the NDVI of the original raster using formula : (NIR - RED) / (NIR + RED) .
mimeType = image/tiff
extension = tif