Title = Execute WCPS queries
Abstract = Execute a Web Coverage Processing Service request, through a WPS process.
processVersion = 2
storeSupported = true
statusSupported = true
serviceProvider = WCPS
serviceType = Python
title = WCPS
Title = WCPS End Point
Abstract = The WCPS End Point against which the WCPS query is executed.
minOccurs = 1
maxOccurs = 1
dataType = string
Title = WCPS Query
Abstract = The query to be executed at the provided end point.
minOccurs = 1
maxOccurs = 1
dataType = string
Title = WCPS Response
Abstract = The response to the WCPS query.
mimeType = text/csv
encoding = utf-8
mimeType = image/png
encoding = base64
mimeType = image/tiff
encoding = base64
mimeType = image/jpeg
encoding = base64