Ticket #137 (new defect)

Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

serverAddress in main.cfg is not used

Reported by: scolzy Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: zoo-kernel Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Whatever the value I set serverAddress to, I always get the same serviceInstance url in ExecuteResponse?.

serviceInstance="http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi" statusLocation="http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi/call/GetStatus/165b68f2-7e1e-11e5-a67b-0800274b466e"

statusLocation should be for example http://localhost/zoo/call/GetStatus/165b68f2-7e1e-11e5-a67b-0800274b466e

Change History

Changed 9 years ago by djay

You're right, in fact whatever you defined as the serverAddress in your main.cfg file, the ZOO-Kernel will automatically update its value to use the current url you used to invoke the execution of your ZOO-Service. So, for instance, in case you used http://localhost/zoo/ to invoke execution then your serverAddress should become the same value (http://localhost/zoo/).

Nevertheless, I would like to mention that the key rewriteUrl is optional and should be used only in case you used rewrite rules to access your ZOO-Kernel. In other case, if you access your ZOO-Kernel instance using http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi then your rewriteUrl doesn't make any sense anymore, so better not to use it.

In case you are invoking the ZOO-Kernel by using rewrite rules and it is not working please let me know cause it means that I have to fix it.

Changed 9 years ago by scolzy

Yes, indeed i'm using rewriteURL as described in http://zoo-project.org/docs/kernel/install-debian.html#rewrite-rule-configuration

Is there another option to access the job status ?

Changed 9 years ago by djay

Well, you simply have to follow the same instructions and remove the Rewrite Rules section which is now optional.

But still, I am really interested in case the ZOO-Kernel is not behaving correctly when you follow the initial setup instructions as it should work. It may means that there is an issue in the ZOO-Kernel in case it does not work with seeing up the rewrite rules. I will give more info in the next days if I can test and confirm anything about the rewrite rules use. I have to admit that I did not setup the rewrite rules for accessing the ZOO-Kernel for long time now.

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