Ticket #44 (new enhancement)

Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

Multilingual sphinx - [FR branch]

Reported by: nickboz Owned by: jmckenna
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Documentation Version:
Keywords: Cc: thomas.gratier@…


Attached to this ticket, an archive with the restructured /docs folder for multiple languages in Sphinx (provided by Thomas Gratier). It is based on the MapServer? docs structure. The fr branch was created and some of the txt files were already translated (thanks!). The svn access should then be granted to Thomas, to allow him to commit this good work. The docs structure would be updated and we could continue to translate the txt files.

Attachments (1)

docs.rar (4.4 MB) - added by nickboz 14 years ago.
/docs archive with fr

Change History

Changed 14 years ago by nickboz

/docs archive with fr

Changed 13 years ago by djay

Sorry to come back to this ticket but it makes lot of sense to me that we get the translation work made by Thomas integrated into the official documentation.

Can we ask directly Thomas if he is interested in getting a documentation submitter account ? I think it can be the best way to go, he is waiting since 3 months for integration of his work so maybe better to grant him access to make the publication himself.

Nevertheless I would like to be aware of modifications it can imply in links included in documentations and also from the official web site.

Can we also plan to get translated web pages, so using Trac wiki pages ?

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.


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