Ticket #5 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

Segmentation fault on lineno in cgiMain

Reported by: relet Owned by: djay
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: zoo-kernel Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:


Following the instructions on the page "Zoo Kernel" - "Installation" for the svn installation, configured with

./configure --with-python=/usr/ --without-php --without-java 

(and optionally --without-js for the version 1.0) I ended up with a binary that segfaults in the first line of cgiMain() (line no. 140) calling dup2. The two file handles are equal, even before the call to dup2.

Calling it as cgi results in a segfault as well, I assume for the same reason.

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by relet

  • summary changed from Segmentation fault on dup2 in cgiMain to Segmentation fault on lineno in cgiMain

I stand corrected, the segfault apparently happens when calling FCGI_fileno. Both handles do point to the same address. lineno(stdout) returns 1.

Changed 15 years ago by djay

  • owner set to djay

Hi, please can you confirm that you linked you zoo_loader.cgi against the libcgic.a produced when compilling from the thirds/cgic206 directory ? Indeed this behavior was already found when using another version of the libcgic.

Hope to hear from you.

Changed 15 years ago by relet

Thanks. I can confirm that I did not. :]

I only discovered the other documentation just now.

Changed 15 years ago by relet

I confirm that this fixed it for me. I suggest to update the installation document on the main page instead.

Changed 14 years ago by djay

  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to fixed

Relet, thanks for your feedback.

I now close this ticket as the Makefile.in included in the svn source tree now correct this by forcing to use the thirds/cgic-206 directory during the compilation process.

Feel free to re-open if anything is still wrong here.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.


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