Ticket #56 (closed enhancement: fixed)

Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

help GDAL-Extract Profile

Reported by: jeffrey Owned by: jeffrey
Priority: blocker Milestone:
Component: zoo-server Version: 1.0
Keywords: GDAL, profile Cc: djay

Description (last modified by djay) (diff)

Hi, As I wrote in another ticket, I stand before some of my project where I perform a service that allows WPS run a service profile elevation as in the demos. Now Gerald has worked with me a lot of this and has given me light to follow, the total agadecido. but I downloaded the necessary files showing the demo profile, but no compiler, anyone can help me? I would appreciate .. jeffrey

Change History

Changed 14 years ago by djay

  • description modified (diff)

Dear Jeffrey,

I made some modifications in the service providers' Makefiles in rev. 284, the ZOOMakefile.opts located in your zoo-kernel directory is now included from them to get configure options informations.

To get this new version running, you should first download the lastest svn source tree, using the following instructions.

Then, after running configure script from zoo-kernel directory (ref), the ZOOMakefile.opts will be available and should solve your issue.

Hope to hear from you, Best.

Changed 14 years ago by jeffrey

  • priority changed from major to blocker
  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to fixed

Gerald Fenoy thank you very much, that helped me with the compilation of zoo-kernel and service GDAL for elevation profiles. The solution of this ticket was achieved through the following steps:

  1. Download lastest SVN source through: svn checkout http://svn.zoo-project.org/svn/trunk zoo-project
  2. Compile libcgic206 using the following commands:

cd thirds/cgic206 make

  1. Configure and compile ZOO-Kernel:

cd /user/zoo-project/zoo-kernel autoconf ./configure --with-python make

  1. Compile profile service:

cd /user/zoo-project/zoo-services/gdal/profile make

sudo cp /user/zoo-project/zoo-services/gdal/profile/cgi-env/* /usr/lib/cgi-bin

Again thank you very much Gerald ...

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.


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