ZOO-Project 2015 GSoC Ideas
Enter ideas for development projects here. 'Note these are just suggestions - students are welcome to propose projects based on their own interests that involve the ZOO-Project.
Zoo-Project powered Java through JGrasstools
Involved projects
The Zoo-project is a solid WPS server that works well with many different programming languages. The Java bindings have never been tested in advanced configurations and complex data types. The JGrasstools project is a modular processing library and its highly annotated nature makes it possible to adapt quite easily to other toolboxes. One example has been the adaptation to the Geotools Process API. The JGrasstools project, as well as other java based projects (as JTS and even geotools) would benefit a lot from the possibility to be used within a WPS environment. The proposal is to bring the Java binding to a mature lavel and validate them by integrating the JGrasstools libraries. This will allow them to work inside the Zoo-project and serve its modules under the WPS standard.
The following individuals are willing to serve as ZOO-Project mentors or co-mentors.
- Gérald Fenoy as mentor
- Andrea Antonello as co-mentor