54 | | Using the curl providen in the CentOS distribution will produce ZOO-Kernel unable to run any Service. Indeed, some segmentation fault occurs when trying to run Execute request on the ZOO-Kernel, compiling the ZOO-Kernel seting USE_GDB flag in the CFLAGS of your Makefile will let you run ZOO-Kernel from gdb and be able to get more information on what is |
| 56 | Using the curl providen in the CentOS distribution will produce ZOO-Kernel unable to run any Service. Indeed, some segmentation fault occurs when trying to run {{{Execute}}} request on the ZOO-Kernel, compiling the ZOO-Kernel seting {{{USE_GDB}}} flag in the {{{CFLAGS}}} of your {{{Makefile}}} will let you run ZOO-Kernel from gdb and be able to get more information on what is going wrong with your ZOO-Kernel. Doing this we can figure out that code on line [browser:trunk/zoo-kernel/ulinet.c#L173 173] and line [browser:trunk/zoo-kernel/ulinet.c#L175 175] have to be commented in the {{{ulinet.c}}} file to get a ZOO-Kernel working using the curl available in CentOS (curl version 7.15.5). If you don't apply the modification, you will get an error from a gdb session pointing segfault in {{{Curl_cookie_clearall}}}. |
| 57 | |
| 58 | As the curl segfault, you can compile then install curl from source : |