Version 4 (modified by djay, 15 years ago) |
.zcfg Reference
.zcfg is the ZOO Service configuration file which describes the service and being parsed by ZOO Kernel. You can use the generic example bellow to compose .zcfg files, and get working examples on the ZOO Trac.
[Name of your service] Title = Title of your service Abstract = Description of your service processVersion = Version number of your service storeSupported = true/false statusSupported = true/false serviceType = C/Python/Java/PHP/Fortran/Javascript serviceProvider = Name of your service provider (.zo) ‹MetaData lang="en"› title = Metadata title of your service ‹/MetaData› ‹DataInputs› [F] Title = Format of the input data Abstract = Select the input format. minOccurs = 0 maxOccurs = 1 ‹LiteralData› DataType = Data type of your service InputData (string) ‹Default› value = Default InputData format for your service ‹/Default› ‹Supported› value = Supported InputData formats for your service ‹/Supported› ‹/LiteralData› [InputDSN] Title = Input data source name Abstract = Description of the input data source name minOccurs = 1 maxOccurs = 1 ‹LiteralData› DataType = Type of the input data source (string) ‹Default› uom = Default unit for your input data source ‹/Default› ‹Supported› value = Supported format for your input data source ‹/Supported› ‹/LiteralData› [OutputDSN] Title = Output data source name Abstract = Description of your output data source minOccurs = 1 maxOccurs = 1 ‹LiteralData› DataType = Type of the input data source (string) ‹Default› uom = Default unit for your input data source ‹/Default› ‹Supported› value = Supported format for your input data source ‹/Supported› ‹/LiteralData› ‹/DataInputs› ‹DataOutputs› [OutputedDataSourceName] Title = Name of the resulting file Abstract = Description of the resulting file ‹LiteralData› DataType = Type of the output data source (string) ‹Default› uom = Default unit for your output data source ‹/Default› ‹Supported› value = Supported format for your output data source ‹/Supported› ‹/LiteralData› ‹/DataOutputs›