Sep 24, 2010, 5:11:43 AM (14 years ago)

ZOO-Kernel updates and bug fixes :

  • Fixing gestion of RawDataOutput? when the Service return SERVICE_FAILED an ExceptionReport? was returned to the client.
  • Use gcc when compiling service_internal.c to avoid strange error messages about switch ....
  • Function setMapInMaps was added in service.h to let users set the value of a specific map in a maps.
  • Fixing JavaScript? issue during the context destruction process.
  • Use the GetStatus? ZOO Service when it is available on the local installation for statusLocation.
  • Add some comments for ServiceStarted?, ServiceSucceeded?, ServiceFailed? and ServiceAccepted?.
  • Dynamic creation of a lenv maps in the main configuration file maps, containing the current status and a sid (Service ID). Those informations can be used later by the GetStatus? Service to let user check the on-going status during the Service runs.
  • Function updateStatus was added to service_internal.h which let the Services developers set the current percentCompleted value.

ZOO-Service updates and bug fixes :

  • Add GetStatus? Service and its demo longProcess Service. All are in the wps_status.zo Services Provider.
  • Use the setMapInMaps in the base-vect-ops code to enhance readibility.

ZOO-API updates :

  • Add the function ZOO.UpdateStatus? to the ZOO JavaScript? API which simply point on ZOOUpdateStatus which can be called as-is from JavaScript?. Use : ZOOUpdateStatus(conf,value) where conf is the main configuration file maps and value the the value of the current status.
1 edited


  • trunk/zoo-services/ogr/base-vect-ops/Makefile

    r9 r26  
    1 CFLAGS=-I../../../zoo-kernel/ -I./ `xml2-config --cflags` `python-config --cflags`  `gdal-config --cflags`   -DLINUX_FREE_ISSUE #-DDEBUG
    2 CC=gcc
     1CFLAGS=-I../../../zoo-kernel/ -I./ `xsl-config --cflags`  `gdal-config --cflags`  -DLINUX_FREE_ISSUE #-DDEBUG
     2# if JS_ENABLED flag is set to true in your ZOO-Kernel Makefile then you'll have
     3# uncomment the following line
     4# JS_LDFLAGS=../../../zoo-kernel/ulinet.o ../../../zoo-kernel/service_internal_js.o
    4 cgi-env/service.zo: service.c
    5         g++ ${CFLAGS} -shared -fpic -o cgi-env/ogr_service.zo ./service.c ../../../zoo-kernel/service_internal.o `gdal-config --libs`
     6cgi-env/ogr_service.zo: service.c
     7        g++ ${CFLAGS} -shared -fpic -o cgi-env/ogr_service.zo ./service.c ../../../zoo-kernel/service_internal.o ${JS_LDFLAGS} `xsl-config --libs` `gdal-config --libs` `geos-config --libs`
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.


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