Sep 6, 2010:
Sep 5, 2010:
Sep 3, 2010:
Aug 24, 2010:
- 13:50 Ticket #11 (Kernel segfaults when metapath parameter is missing from request) created by
- More specifically - When ServiceProvider and metapath …
- 13:38 Ticket #10 (Lexer rule (*.l) documentation and variables are in Frenchlish) created by
- ..ce qui n'aide pas vraiment to understand ce qui se passe.
- 13:31 Ticket #9 (Kernel segfaults when elements are missing in service configuration on ...) created by
- Specifically when the <Supported> element is missing from a …
- 13:08 Ticket #8 (service.h:375: error: too few arguments to function ‘void* ...) created by
- compilation is broken in Debug mode (-DDEBUG) due to the above line
- 13:03 Ticket #7 (Support + and ( ) character in phoneVoice) created by
- The '+' sign at the beginning of international phone numbers is …
- 12:56 Ticket #6 (Unicode support in main.cfg) created by
- main.cfg does not currently allow to configure unicode strings e.g. …
Aug 23, 2010:
- 16:01 Ticket #5 (Segmentation fault on lineno in cgiMain) created by
- Following the instructions on the page "Zoo Kernel" - "Installation" …
Aug 11, 2010:
- 15:26 Changeset [8] by
- Simple update configure.ac and Makefile.in to remove the uneeded link …
- 15:09 Changeset [7] by
- Remove uneeded CFLAGS from the cgic Makefile.
- 14:51 Changeset [6] by
- Update the cgic library to let run the ZOO Kernel from the command line.
Aug 9, 2010:
- 11:38 ZooWebSite/ZooProject/Events edited by
- Update the OSGIS to past event and addition of the upcoming Como event (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.